Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Education > One College Campus Becomes First in the Nation to Help in Micro Lending Program

One College Campus Becomes First in the Nation to Help in Micro Lending Program

LatinaLista — In the shadow of the worst shooting in this country’s history, college campuses everywhere are feeling the repercussions.

Yet, there are good things being accomplished on college campuses which deserve just as much attention as a monumental tragedy.

Take for instance what is happening on the campus of the University of North Texas.

There students, faculty and staff have joined together as the first college campus in the nation to participate in a special program called Recycle to Eradicate Poverty.

Now, instead of tossing old ink cartridges and cell phones, boxes placed around the campus act as handy collection points for these recyclable items.

But the good part is that there is a very special recipient for the money earned from these recycled items — The Chiapas Project.

The Chiapas Project works to eradicate poverty in places like Chiapas, Mexico, by providing small loans to poor women seeking to start their own small businesses. Many of the women produce goods such as handicrafts to take to market to sell, strengthening the economic base in these areas.

As a result of The Chiapas Project, these women are learning how to grow a business, save for the future, move out of poverty and contribute to their community.

The Chiapas Project

The Chiapas Project has been so successful that it has been expanded to other countries like Haiti, El Salvador and other Latin American countries.

That’s a lot of loans to make. So, the Chiapas Project is extending the invitation to whomever would like to help eradicate poverty and help these hard-working women who only want to improve the lives of their families and themselves.

For every item recycled through this program a donation is made to The Chiapas Project. The Chiapas project will receive $1 for every used inkjet cartridge and up to $300 for every used cell phone we collect. A collection box is put into your place of business and employees bring in their used cell phones and ink jet cartridges. 100% of the proceeds will benefit The Chiapas Project.

Making a positive contribution has never been so easy.

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