Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Education > NASA goes the extra mile in presenting multimedia content for 40 moon walk anniversary

NASA goes the extra mile in presenting multimedia content for 40 moon walk anniversary

LatinaLista — Today is the 40th anniversary of when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon as part of the crew of Apollo 11.

A lot of the news shows have created their own homages to the most historic event that has ever taken place – in my humble opinion – but there’s no better source for remembering that day than at NASA’s own website.
Go to and watch the coolest homepage video opening that relives that moment in time and then check out the awesome videos and pictures that recount the history of the U.S. space program.
Not to be missed is also the news about where we’re going from here. With a historic shuttle mission launching next month carrying two Latino astronauts on the same mission, it’s clear NASA is moving forward to put humans on other planets.
It’s time reality started catching up with our imagination.



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