Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Youth > While new analysis shows Millennials more tolerant of mixed-race marriage, one question wasn’t asked

While new analysis shows Millennials more tolerant of mixed-race marriage, one question wasn’t asked

LatinaLista — The latest breakout analysis of a Pew Research study shows there’s hope, a lot of hope, for the future of this country. It doesn’t rest with Baby Boomers but Millennials, those between the ages of 18-29.
It seems that a large majority of Millennials support interracial marriages within their own families and have less hangups about the idea than any other generation.
It shouldn’t come as too big a surprise seeing that this generation, more than any other, was raised with diversity — in their schools, on TV, the music industry and in government — and were more likely than any other generation to have friends of different races.

Asked about particular groups to which they do not belong, Millennials are about equally accepting of marriage to someone in any of the groups tested: Roughly nine-in-ten say they would be fine with a family member’s marriage to an African American (88%), a Hispanic American (91%), an Asian American (93%) or a white American (92%).

What’s even cooler to know is that “This high level of acceptance among Millennials holds true across ethnic and racial groups; there is no significant difference between white, black and Hispanic Millennials in the degree of acceptance of interracial marriage.”
That’s significant because within interracial families, and I’m talking from personal experience, children are more tolerant of those different from them and learn to judge a person based on their actions and not the color of their skin.
Yet, it’s one thing to say you are tolerant of someone in the family marrying someone of another race but nobody asked the question that is a better test of tolerance: Would you consider marrying someone other than your ethnic equal?

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  • George
    February 2, 2010 at 9:00 am

    “Would you consider marrying someone other than your ethnic equal?”
    Precisely the point. Action speaks louder than the words!

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