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A child’s excuses create one “monster” after another

By Martha Rico
“But a monster might take me away forever!” is the line Roberto uses each time his mother asks him to do a specific chore in the bilingual tale titled No Time for Monsters/No Hay Tiempo para Monstruos by Spelile Rivas and illustrated by Valeria Cervantes.
no time for monsters.jpg
Roberto is a typical child who tries to get out of doing what his mother asks, from cleaning his closet to wiping the table to sweeping the floor. Even though he asks for his mother’s help, she does not give in. Finally, the tables turn and Mamá is able to use the “monster line” on Roberto.
He would like her to read him a story, but she tells Roberto that she can’t because the “Work Monster” might take her away forever. Roberto assures her he won’t let that happen, and they happily work together to read a story.
Children will be attracted to the brightly colored digital illustrations. The characters are depicted using vibrant colors; the monsters are illustrated as playful, not scary.
Readers will find a connection with Roberto because what child has not tried to get out of doing chores? Needless to say, caregivers will also connect with the story.
This is sure to be a picture book that will get read over and over, possibly before chore time.
No Time for Monsters/No Hay Tiempo para Monstruos is published by Piñata Books.
Martha C. Rico is a school librarian and part of the Review ‘n Receive book review program.

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