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Facebook Gives Every 8th Grader at San Francisco’s Everett Middle School a Laptop

By Andra Cernavskis

San Francisci

Principal Lena Van Haren called 8th graders at Everett Middle School to the auditorium to hear about high school applications.

They filed in, sat, and waited. Then, District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener, who could easily pass for a professor, walked on stage. “You all have been tricked,” he said. “I am not from the school district, and I am not here to talk about high school applications.”

Then, from behind the thick, blue stage curtain Facebook’s Chief Information Officer Tim Campos walked out and asked if anyone knew who Mark Zuckerberg was. Only about 10 hands shot up.

“You have to have technology in order to have access to technology,” Campos told the kids who soon learned that he had brought the hardware with him…

(Featured Photo Credit: Andra Cernavskis)

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