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Youth documentary tackles teen sexual harassment

LatinaLista — A lot has been said about how children of all ages are at risk in coming into contact with sexual predators on the Internet. Yet, a new PBS special uncovers that there is a greater risk for teen girls to experience sexual harassment at their part-time jobs.

“While sexual harassment is something many American women experience in the workplace, it goes mostly unreported,” says NOW correspondent Maria Hinojosa. “We hear stories about protecting our kids from sexual predators on the Internet and teach our daughters and sons to be wary of strangers. There are programs in high schools that deal with bullies, and programs that deal with sexual harassment in school. Yet, there’s never been a national conversation about sexual harassment of teen girls on the job, until now.”

The documentary is a collaboration between NOW and the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University. It features the stories of teens who have been harassed in the workplace.
The show debuts this Friday on PBS but will be available in full streaming video starting February 23 on the NOW PBS website.

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