Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Local News > U.S.-Mexico border > Children of maquila workers receive education grants

Children of maquila workers receive education grants

Rio Grande Guardian

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Partners for Responsible Trade, Inc., distributed grants to the children of factory workers in Reynosa and Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas, on Saturday.

The group, which is based in Worthington, Ohio, makes regular visits to the border to help maquila workers.

“Most of these children’s parents make only 85 cents to $1.50 an hour and many cannot afford to keep their children in school through high school. Today we were able to help keep 48 children in school by giving them grants for their inscription fees. Partners for Responsible Trade Inc.’s goal is to keep between 50 and 100 kids in school each year,” said Christine Ruddy, vice president of Partners for Responsible Trade, Inc.

Ruddy said the group is able to help the children thanks to the generosity of its donors…

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