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Intrn’l Video: Discovering Pablo Ferro

LatinaLista — Who is Pablo Ferro?

It’s a question that filmmaker Richard Goldgewicht hopes more people will wonder about so that they see his film Pablo.

Pablo is best known among those in the film industry for his unbridled creativity. His artistic genius draws both compliments and curiosity with such descriptions as “walking work of art,” “a true artist” and “strange.”

Pablo Ferro, born in 1935, is a Cuban immigrant, who arrived in New York City at the age of 12. According to Wikipedia, he taught himself animation from a book and got his first job freelancing in the New York animation industry. It was while he was at his first full-time job in the commercial industry that he was lucky enough to meet a former Disney animator who became his mentor.

Pablo didn’t stop teaching himself. From animation, he taught himself about filmmaking and he went on to work in the film industry. He is credited with pioneering “quick-cut editing and multiple screen images (the first in film and television in 1963). He also created the first color NBC Peacock.

However, as with all genius artists, there is an eccentric side to Pablo that lends an air of mystery that only deepened when his life changed forever and no one knows why. The film Pablo uses a mix of animation and live action to document a life that epitomizes the pursuit of the American Dream — in all its glory and heartache.

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