Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Education > NCLR goes viral to get the message out of who they are

NCLR goes viral to get the message out of who they are

LatinaLista — Ever since some clueless politician had the audacity to equate the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) with the KKK, NCLR has been trying to get the message out as to what it is they exactly do.

They’ve decided that the best way to get the message out is to go, how else, viral —

NCLR is taking its work viral with its Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and pages. The new media platforms update users on NCLR’s efforts to promote Latino policy priorities, provide information on programs that reinforce these priorities, and advance issues important to the Latino community and vital to our nation’s future, such as health care, the economy, and education. Although its efforts in this arena are new, already NCLR has 1,136 fans on Facebook and 708 followers on Twitter. NCLR’s Twitter handle is “@NCLR.”

Latina Lista wonders just how many twits are following that nameless politician!

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