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Site shows how easy it is to Zumba to fitness

LatinaLista — Do you Zumba? Do you know what Zumba is?
Well, if you’re at all into exercise chances are you have heard of Zumba — an exercise program that melds Latin music with a calorie-burning workout.
Before this post sounds like a blogomericial for the program, I just need to say that whatever exercise program that is out there that can motivate us to get on our feet and shake a few pounds off, it deserves to be highlighted.
Now, most major cities have Zumba classes somewhere since the fitness program has been around in the United States since 2002, but the classes may not exactly be nearby or fit with your schedule. So, of course, the creators of Zumba have created a DVD set of different aspects of the popular workout.
Yet, the reason why Latina Lista is highlighting Zumba is because the fitness program truly is family-friendly with the inclusion of an exercise portion that targets abuelos y abuelas and tia Yoli who prefers to watch telenovelas all day while munching on microwaved-cheese-melted nachos. It’s called Zumba Gold.

It was designed for the active older adult, the true beginner, and/or people who are not used to exercising, or people who may be limited physically. The main difference between Zumba Gold and Zumba Basic is Zumba Gold is done at a lower intensity, not as fast, but it certainly is as fun. The same great Latin styles of music and dance are used.

The official Zumba web site has an easy way to find the nearest class to you. If there isn’t one, then the site has an online store
With so many Latinas/os afflicted with obesity and diabetes, it’s a no-brainer that something has to be done. So why not mix the familiar (Latin music) with the not so familiar, for some of us, (exercise) and get started on being serious about our health!

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