Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Palabra Final > Economy > The sad state of Latino unemployment

The sad state of Latino unemployment

LatinaLista — Everyone is suffering in this economy but until the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ February report spelled it out in numbers, the high degree of unemployment in the Latino community wasn’t truly appreciated.
While national unemployment stands at 9.7 percent, Latino unemployment is at 12.4 percent and blacks suffer at 15 percent.
A few more facts from the February 2010 Jobs Report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal:

Hispanic unemployment, seasonally adjusted, is at 12.4 percent, a rise of 6.1 percentage points since the start of the recession.
The share of Hispanic workers with a job has dropped 4.6 percentage points since the start of the recession to 59.5 percent, seasonally adjusted. Over one million more Hispanics are unemployed now than at the start of the recession.
For Hispanic men age 20 and over, the unemployment rate, not seasonally adjusted, was 13.5 percent, an increase of 7.3 percentage points from February 2008. For Hispanic women age 20 and over, the unemployment rate, not seasonally adjusted, increased 5.5 percentage points from two years ago, up to 11.3 percent.
Unemployment among Hispanic teens, not seasonally adjusted, is especially high -almost 1 in 3 Hispanic teens are unemployed. That compares with less than 1 in 4 for white teens.

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  • Karen
    March 6, 2010 at 7:25 pm

    I think part of the problem is that Latinos are less likely to be self employed. We are always taught that we need to get a job, or find a job, but never taught that we need to create a job.

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