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Video: Forensic geologist claims Mayans have history in Georgia

LatinaLista — Did the Mayans of Mexico travel to Georgia? Are they the ancestors of the present-day Creek Indians? Did the Mayans leave clues that they were in the U.S.? Well, according to a program on the History cable channel, America Unearthed, yes, to all of the above.

The program’s host, Dr. Scott Wolter, is a forensic geologist who is on a mission to alert people that a lot of the history we’ve been taught isn’t correct. For example, that the Mayans didn’t live in Georgia is myth according to a fascinating episode on this program.

Wolter finds evidence in plain sight of a Mayan connection not only in Georgia but also in Florida. It makes for great irony, especially in Georgia, given the anti-immigrant legislation passed in that state. To think Georgia was first settled by the people they want deported.

The posting of this episode on YouTube is bound to be taken down once the show’s producers realize it’s up without authorization, so you’ll have to hurry and watch it on YouTube or wait for the rerun.

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