Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Columns & Features > American Dreams > Undocumented college student creates guide to help fellow DREAMers pursue the “other” American Dream

Undocumented college student creates guide to help fellow DREAMers pursue the “other” American Dream

LatinaLista — For many high school students, this is the time to start filling out college applications and submitting financial aid forms. For high school students who are undocumented, this is the time of their senior year that most of them have dreaded.

Unable to qualify for financial aid, and in some states not even allowed to pay in-state tuition, the thought of going tp college can be frustrating, if not outright depressing.

However, one undocumented student wants to give hope to his fellow “DREAMers.”

Identifying himself as a senior at Dallas’ Southern Methodist University and completing his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering, while simultaneously working on an accelerated Masters of Science in the same major, this student decided to share tips and resources he has found helpful in realizing his “other” American dream — getting a college diploma.

Titling the simple 3-page guide DREAM Act Student Resources: Scholarships and Other Financial Aid, the author gives blunt advice on how DREAMers should pursue their educational goals by giving them no-nonsense facts such as:

Do not apply or allow yourself to be accepted for admission as an international student because you will face much heavier tuition costs, sometimes up to four times the in-state tuition rate! Do not feel discouraged if you get “tossed around” to different representatives. Eventually, you will get in touch with the right people. Patience and perseverance are key.

The last page of the guide lists online resources for possible sources of financial aid and a final word of encouragement — ¡SÍ SE PUEDE!

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