Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Education > Finally, Latino Teens are being Asked to Help Create a Solution for Dropout Crisis

Finally, Latino Teens are being Asked to Help Create a Solution for Dropout Crisis

LatinaLista — Whenever there is a problem to be solved, thousands of dollars will be spent on consultants, focus groups and meetings — all dedicated to trying to solve a problem that usually affects “other” people.

Take for instance the school dropout problem.

States across the country are finally feeling the panic of the loss of too many students. From Texas to North Carolina, education administrators and state government officials are scratching their heads as to what could possibly keep Latino kids in school and motivated to go to college.

Well, there has always been an easy solution — just ask the kids!

Finally, somebody who understands that today’s kids are the best source for thinking up a solution for something that they witness and know on a firsthand basis.

All they need is a little motivation:

Youth Venture and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are teaming up with MTV Tr3s Voces for a very special contest called Tu Voz My Venture.

The three partners will select teams of two or more youth, ages 13 – 20, every week through June 29th, who submit great ideas for encouraging their peers to graduate from high school and college. Tu Voz My Venture winners will receive grants of up to $1,000 to create their ventures – an organization, business or club to help young Latinos stay in school and prepare for college and careers.

The winning teams will win $5,000 scholarships that will be split evenly among the team members.

Time doesn’t need to be wasted on debate as to whether or not to do something — it just needs to be done.

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