Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Education > New scholarship just for student bloggers

New scholarship just for student bloggers

LatinaLista — If you are a struggling college student who gets your nourishment from the passion you pour into your own blog site, then there’s a chance that you could actually buy some real food.

It seems that the folks at College thought it was high-time to create The Blogging Scholarship. As they explain it:

At College we believe that everyone deserves a shot at a decent education. And we love bloggers. Not for the least of reasons, because we blog, and the founders of this site makes a living as bloggers. 🙂
We believe passion is important. As the world gets more competitive, those who are passionate about what they do, and work close to their passions, will be able to become and stay successful even as technology and automation eat away at many business models. Those who are willing to share their experiences with the world help make the world a better place, even if most bloggers only consider blogging a hobby.
We believe those who freely express themselves are far more likely to find their true passions and connect with people to bring on large scale social change.

The scholarship is in the amount of $10,000 and is for any college student who has a blog with interesting or unique information.
A unique twist on this scholarship is if you know of anyone who is in college and has a blog then you can nominate them for the scholarship and write why you think they deserve to have it.
Either way, getting money for school for doing a hobby that you love, well, there’s no easier way to get money that is hard to come by for school expenses these days.
Deadline is October 30, 2008 — that’s next week. So hurry.

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