Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Health > Punitive immigration measures contributing to growing AIDS crisis in southern states

Punitive immigration measures contributing to growing AIDS crisis in southern states

LatinaLista — The term “crisis” is one that health professionals are usually careful about using when talking publicly about a healthcare issue. Yet, officials with the Latino Commission on AIDS aren’t shy about using the term to describe the findings in their new study “Shaping the New Response: HIV/AIDS & Latinos in The Deep South.
The two-year project found that HIV infection and AIDS cases are rising at alarming rates among the two million Latinos in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Yet prevention education, surprisingly, isn’t keeping pace.
Demographers have noted that the Southeast has seen the greatest and most rapid influx of Latino workers than any other part of the country. A review of U.S. Census figures for 2000 shows that these states had over 200 percent growth in their Latino populations in just 10 years.
Though these states are not the traditional destinations for Spanish-speaking immigrants, it’s not like state health officials are not unfamiliar with HIV and AIDS. They already know that these diseases are preventable and treatable with the right education and public awareness campaigns.
So why isn’t the message getting out to stem this alarming trend?
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  • Horace
    December 26, 2008 at 11:21 am

    What a laugh, now it’s not the bad behavior of the illegal alien and his presence in this country that is the cause of the AIDS crisis, but our immigration policies. Need I remind you that if the illegal aliens weren’t present, there would be no crisis. How convoluted can your logic get, Marisa?

  • Don McAninch
    December 26, 2008 at 8:54 pm

    In this time of high unemployment and overpopulation, it is crucial to start cutting out immigration. Both legal and illegal immigration should be eliminated.

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