Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > New “Test of Latino Culture” shows Latinos lag behind non-Latino peers when acing the test

New “Test of Latino Culture” shows Latinos lag behind non-Latino peers when acing the test

LatinaLista — Dr. Edward T. Rincón, a research psychologist, has conducted numerous studies about non-Latinos’ perceptions of the Hispanic community. He’s come to one conclusion:

According to our past studies, the typical American does not understand Latinos very well…

To help people realize just how much they don’t understand Latinos, Dr. Rincón has created what he calls the Test of Latino Culture (TLC), or what he likes to refer to as the Latino IQ test.He’s just released the findings of the latest test which “compares Latinos and non-Latinos on their knowledge of general characteristics about U.S. Latinos”.

Dr. Rincón found that when it came to knowledge about U.S. Latinos both Latinos and non-Latinos scored essentially the same in not knowing Latinos. He found that the more education a person had the better their score.

While the average scores of Latino men were generally higher than the other groups regardless of education, it was non-Latino women, with doctorates, who outscored everybody.

Yet, there were some basic topics that stumped more than half the respondents:

How many Latinos have Internet access; how concerned U.S. Latinos are about immigration; and the intermarriage rate of U.S. Latinos, to name a few.

Think you can ace the TLC? Dr. Rincón invites everyone to give it a try and see what’s their Latino IQ .

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