April 10, 2023

It’s no accident that today’s Daily Habit begins and ends with headlines about Mexico. On the one hand, our ‘esteemed’ GOP wants to bomb our most popular-vacation-destination-neighbor and trading partner, and on the other hand we’re already doing joint military exercises with their military. Again, a sad example of how the GOP is a party of ‘reactionaries’ and not one of rational thinkers; Even without mass shootings happening at schools, a new study finds that children’s deaths as a result of guns are soaring; Shocked by what the TN legislature did to 2 of its black members? We shouldn’t according to a survey of every state’s democracy; Research says that if you’re not a native Spanish speaker, even if you’re Latino, don’t try and fake it; and A new app aimed to help victims of sexual assault isn’t an app to report assault but actually help victims. Go beyond the headlines…

GOP embraces a new foreign policy: Bomb Mexico to stop fentanyl

Zelensky Blasts ‘Terrorist’ Russia After Easter Missile Strike Kills Child

Key takeaways from major US intelligence leak

Gun deaths among children are soaring

A study confirms it: Tennessee’s democracy really is as bad as the expulsions made you think

Study finds record-breaking rates of sea-level rise along the U.S. Southeast and Gulf coasts

Fluency matters when candidates speak Spanish

New app aimed to help victims of sexual assault shows promise, looks to expand testing

Living with water pollution in Guatemala

US sends 12 soldiers for joint training exercises with Mexican army

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