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Crowdfunder: Darma: Sit smart for a healthy body and mind

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Campaign: Darma — Sit smart for a healthy body and mind

Recent studies have linked sedentary behavior (measured by time spent sitting) to higher rates of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature death.

Physical inactivity is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. and the fourth in the world.

Darma is the world’s first “inactivity tracker” – a non-invasive smart cushion to monitor sitting habits and improve physical and mental health.

Darma, named after Bodhidharma, the father of Zen and meditation, uses novel sensor technology and algorithms to offer actionable guidance to improve posture, balance sitting time and reduce stress.

Darma learns sitting habits to present actionable coaching, from stand-up reminders, to posture advice, to tailored stretching guidance.

Darma communicates all of this through an iPhone and Android app or via the desktop computer.

Since Darma detects vital signs, it can establish a baseline and detect when stress levels are too high. It then suggests a brief breathing exercise to help to relax and regain focus.

The campaign’s goal is $40,000 – and has already surpassed it but perk donations remain. The campaign ends November 14.

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