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Crowdfunder: Giving victims of family violence a SafeNight

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Campaign: Giving victims of family violence a SafeNight

Family violence (FV) agencies and their supporters have a responsibility to protect and serve women and children, and sometimes men who are being abused.

Family Violence is Pervasive….
One in four women will experience family violence
1.3 million women are assaulted each year…. but most cases are never reported to the authorities

Victims seeking sanctuary often find shelters full. When a woman calls a shelter, she is often in the middle of a volatile situation and, all too often, there is no space for her and she is turned away.

Yet at the same time in Dallas, Texas, thousands of hotel rooms in the metro area – potential safe harbor to those in danger – go empty every night.

SafeNight uses technologies – commercial web systems and smartphone applications – to enable shelter managers to find open hotel rooms, and then donors can pay for that room, in real time – from their smartphone.

Everyone can provide a safe nIght for a person in need. Simply download the SafeNight app, register and set up a profile.

The campaign’s goal is $10,000 and ends on November 22.

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