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Crowdfunder: Save The Mentors Campaign

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Campaign: The YDO Save The Mentors Campaign

Youth Development Organization of Lawrence, MA changes young peoples’ perspectives and strives to help students discover who they are and who they can become.

The YDO staff start by getting to know the kids and understand their talents and interests, then, seeking to find or develop opportunities for engagement.

One way in which YDO has found success (and blown away expectations) is by encouraging YDO kids to plan and lead their own programs.

YDO kids become YDO mentors, designing and delivering programs to share their passion, skills, and enthusiasm with the next batch of kids.

Engaging the older students as mentors allows YDO to continue to invest in their academic and professional development while fueling the cycle of enrichment in Lawrence.

However, in a community with many socioeconomic challenges, many YDO mentors give up mentoring and leading YDO youth programs to take part-time jobs in retail establishments and restaurants when they reach working age,

Save the Mentors is a jobs program, a city revitalization effort, and a new model for community education.

The more mentors who can be employed, the more programs YDO can offer, the more kids who can empower.

Every dollar raised will go directly to employing mentors and supporting the programs they lead. Engaging the older students as mentors allows YDO to continue to invest in their academic and professional development while fueling the cycle of enrichment in Lawrence.

The campaign’s goal is $10,000 and ends in 56 days.

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