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HIPGive Campaign: Scholarship for Returned Dreamers

LatinaLista —

Campaign: Soñadores para la Educación

Young adults who return to their communities of origin often face structural and financial constraints in continuing their education, making it very challenging for them to get jobs with decent wages.

Rufino Santiz, a would-be Dreamer from Chamula, Chiapas, Mexico, wants to help himself and others in his situation, to combine schooling with work in their communities of origin and return.

As Rufino writes: “I am thankful that people around the world would get the chance to view the documentary of a dreamer that has struggled in the birth country (Mexico) and the country where I was raised (United States of America). I am not the only dreamer here in Mexico. My goal is to start a project on migrant children to support them in our education. It will be a chance to learn about different cultures and languages, as well as gain knowledge in agricultural and other technology.”

Rufino is a member of Voces Mesoamericanas, Acción con Pueblos Migrantes, which works with community-level organizations of migrants and their families (Coalición Indígena de Migrantes de Chiapas).

Rufino asks for donations to support the Fund for Returning Migrant Youth. Through this fund, Voces will provide support for one year (renewable) to at least 100 migrants and their families, for a total of between $50 and $350, for the purpose of transportation to and from schools and universities where they are enrolled, and to purchase books and other necessities for their education.

The campaign’s goal is $5,000 and ends in 20 days.

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