Latina Lista > Palabra Final > A Christmas message to Latina Lista readers

A Christmas message to Latina Lista readers

A new year has come and is almost gone. Here at Latina Lista, we are grateful to have been able to count on your support all year long. It is that constant support and belief in our work that has allowed us to grow and re-launch our platform at, which now includes more content and more ways to interact with our loyal readers.

Click here to read a recap of the launch.

It seems like it was just yesterday that we launched our first site as a single-page blog. The lack of Latina voices in the mainstream media and the fact that an editor once told me “Latinos don’t read,” nor were they his readership, encouraged me to launch Latina Lista in 2004.

A multi-faceted news site that has become the Smart New Source — thanks to you, Latina Lista has expanded and evolved throughout the years. In the new site, English-speaking Latinos and Latinos-at-heart can find informational, educational and aspirational content of their interest. Our growth has allowed us to include collaborators from Latin America, partnerships with news outlets who contribute on a regular basis and Latino pundits who share their expertise.

From the time Latina Lista launched to today, I have seen an explosion among Latinos and Latinas, of all ages, take to the Internet and create their own web sites and/or blogs. In the process, the mainstream media is becoming more acquainted with a variety of Latino/a voices rather than just a handful who used to be regarded as representative of the whole community.

Thanks to your engagement Latina Lista has grown a powerful network of followers and supporters through Twitter and Facebook.

Your readership is the best Christmas present for this Latina who started with nada but a simple sueño and ganas and who is still striving to create a site worthy of your patronage, trust and pride.

I wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season.

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo
Marisa Trevino

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  • LeeSee
    December 24, 2011 at 1:02 pm

    Thank you for keeping up your blog you are an inspiration to us.  Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  • Elisa Batista
    December 24, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    Feliz Navidad, Marisa! I relish reading every Latina Lista as soon as it appears in my inbox. Felicidades on the re-design and also GRACIAS for putting out such informative pieces. Please keep up the good work! Now go get un descanso! 🙂

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