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By Eloisa Portillo-Morales  (Photo Caption: From left: Angela Tovar, Marisa Bono, and Agustin Cabrera) Cities are leading the charge on climate action—reimagining how streets can be used, passing bold climate legislation, and creating green, equitable jobs. At the core…

By Sarah Anderson Big Business fought hard to kill a new regulation requiring corporations to disclose the gap between their CEO and median worker pay. For eight years after the regulation became law, corporate lobby groups fought to…

By Margaret Goldman Juvenile Justice Information Exchange (JJIE) While our nation’s steadily declining rates of juvenile incarceration are encouraging, widening racial disparities are a pressing call for concern. Racial disparities often begin in the school system and persist at…

By Yasmin Anwar Futurity When Starbucks announced plans to conduct anti-bias training at its 8,000 outlets following the unprovoked arrests of two African-American customers in Philadelphia, psychologist Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton was at once impressed and skeptical. A veteran scholar of…

By Jordan Bennett Futurity An innovative book distribution program that provides free children’s books in low-income neighborhoods, combined with supportive adults who encourage reading, can boost children’s literacy and learning opportunities, a new study shows. “Both physical and psychological…