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By Robert Barba LatinaLista If you’re a DREAMer, you face a difficult financial situation. In February 2018, the Supreme Court declined to hear the Trump Administration’s appeal challenging the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals program — better known as…

By Brittney Castro LatinaLista As a Certified Financial PlannerTM, CEO of Financially Wise Women and a Chase Financial Education Partner, I understand that credit plays a big role in your future and has tremendous impact on your ability to…

By Arielle O'Shea NerdWallet   How’s 75 sound for a retirement age? Too far away? That could be the reality for today’s college graduates, according toNerdWallet research released today. The study looked at how rising student loan debt and higher…

By Andres Gutierrez LatinaLista “Should I pay off the debt with the highest interest rate in order to get out of debt faster?” That’s a question I get all the time. And it’s a question that makes sense mathematically….

By Katherine Leal Unmuth Latino Ed Beat The urgent need to increase the number of young people pursuing degrees in STEM areas–science, technology, engineering and math–is a hot topic in education circles. Especially during the current economic slump, having…