LatinaLista — In a move that I can only characterize as “odd,” the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has decided to amp up their PR when it comes to border security by creating their own social network. Visit Our…
LatinaLista — Janet Napolitano may be the new head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) but recent actions emanating from DHS are proving that old habits die hard. First, there was the worksite raid in Washington that Secretary…
LatinaLista — Today is World Refugee Day. When we think of refugees these days, it’s usually the images in Africa of the different tribes that have been displaced because of war and famine, but we know that refugees exist…
LatinaLista — Tomorrow, May 1, is the anniversary of the massive immigration marches that have taken place over the last couple of years. While not even the Latino community is exactly sure how many will turn up yet again…
LatinaLista — Past responses to stories posted on Latina Lista regarding the fight South Texans are putting up against the Department of Homeland Security in building the congressionally appropriated border fence have not always been kind to the residents….
LatinaLista — The “Hour of Reckoning” has arrived: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has filed the first of an expected 102 lawsuits to force landowners along the US-Mexico border to fork over their property to the government for…