By Robert Barba LatinaLista If you’re a DREAMer, you face a difficult financial situation. In February 2018, the Supreme Court declined to hear the Trump Administration’s appeal challenging the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals program — better known as…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
5 must-do resolutions to prepare for an uncertain 2018
By Marisa Treviño ncluido We are fast approaching February. A month, clinical psychologists say, is when 80 percent of us give up on the good intentions we pledged to improve ourselves in the new year. Most of us promise-breakers, maybe feel a…
By Devon Delfina NerdWallet No one expects you to have it all together your freshman year of college. You’ll probably end up losing your student ID, getting locked out of your dorm room, picking the wrong major and…
Tech, zNew Headline
New app takes the excuse out of not knowing “where your wallet is”
LatinaLista — It used to be that the ‘parent generation’ was the one to turn to for all advice financial. Whether it was words of wisdom about saving money or shaking the finger about overspending/overcharging, or even acting as…
By Arielle O'Shea NerdWallet How’s 75 sound for a retirement age? Too far away? That could be the reality for today’s college graduates, according toNerdWallet research released today. The study looked at how rising student loan debt and higher…
PadreCare, zNew Headline
PadreCare: Keeping seniors safe from scams, fraud and identity theft
By Loida Casares LatinaLista A couple of weeks ago my dad said that a woman called him on his cell phone and went on and on about something having to do with income taxes. He said he didn’t really…
Education, zNew Headline
Another example of how education isn’t the great equalizer for many Latinos
LatinaLista — Yesterday, Latina Lista posted a story of the study that found community college graduates (of whom the majority are Latino) were less likely to be admitted to medical school. In talking to one of the authors of…
Local News, Midwest, zNew Headline
The Resurrection Project helps Chicago family avoid foreclosure
By Diana Pando Extra News Jeidy Zavala Aguilar and her family live on a quiet side street near Kedzie and Archer avenues on the southwest side of Chicago. Between babysitting her nieces and picking up her children from school,…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Faced with foreclosure, the last thing to do is ‘do nothing’
By Joaquin Benitez LatinaLista Your worst nightmare has come true: the bank has threatened to take away your home. Now what?! The very last thing you needed at this point in time was for the bank to start harassing…
Life Issues, Money
Quick tips for getting the most from your income — no matter how much money you make
By Andres Gutierrez LatinaLista How long have you been in the same situation? Is this where you wanted to be 10 years ago? Did you ever say, “When I make this much (money) everything will be so much better”?…
General, Money, Women
Minority women more vulnerable victims of husbands who commit “financial infidelity”
By Ana-Luisa Gallo LatinaLista When — till death do us part — no longer fits the matrimonial equation, you ought to be sure your finances are in order before you walk OUT of the marriage. Experts in the field…