All signs point towards it being just a matter of time when the rest of US(us) join California, Italy, Spain, etc. in not being allowed to leave our homes. That’s why any help coping with sheltering at home should…
Health, Life Issues, zNew Headline
Latest get-healthy initiative from First Lady encourages everyone to Drink Up! in bilingual campaign
LatinaLista — In the next phase of the First Lady’s push to get the nation, especially children, to live a healthy lifestyle, the White House launched a new campaign today dubbed Drink Up! It’s an effort to get everyone…
SaludToday Physical activity is increasingly recognized as a critical way to prevent obesity, chronic disease and other serious health issues. But nationally, only 1 in 4 adults meet physical activity guidelines. Even fewer youths do. A local volunteer group…
Fitness, Life Issues
Reflections of the first-ever San Antonio to Laredo ultra marathon
By Manuel “Manny” Davila LatinaLista When I told people I wanted to do an ultra-marathon relay from San Antonio to Laredo, most people thought I was crazy. “Why would you do that?”, most asked as if I was one…
By Javier Flores Hispano de Tulsa When Juan Miret, Editor of asked me if I would be interested in being a contributing writer, I was honored and stoked for this opportunity. He wanted me to focus on social…
Life Issues
Latino war veteran helps returning vets re-connect to themselves, their families and society
By Alain Castillo LatinaLista Alvaro F. Matta’s desire to serve his country is in “his blood.” The New Jersey-born, Operation Desert Storm Marine veteran is the son of a soldier and the grandson of a general who commanded the…
By Dennis M. Ayotte, Jr. La Prensa de San Antonio SAN ANTONIO – Mayor Julián Castro declared that May is Bike Month in San Antonio in celebration of the success of San Antonio’s bike-share program, San Antonio B-Cycle. B-Cycle…