Ever since the world learned of the heinous separation of migrant parents from their children happening courtesy of the Trump administration, most people felt a sense of overwhelming sadness, outrage and helplessness. Bless the lawyers who stepped up to…
Guest Voz, Politics, zNew Headline
Why Lupe Valdez’s quest to be Texas’ first Latina governor isn’t a long shot anymore
Marisa Treviño LatinaLista The odds of Lupe Valdez becoming the first Latina governor of Texas were always considered a long-shot but did a new lawsuit just tip the balance in her favor? Former Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez made…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
The good, the bad and the feo of latest study on women in TV & film
By Marisa Treviño ncluido There’s no question that women are on TV. From primetime shows to daytime soaps and cable programs to streaming series, women can be seen. But for those who know better, like the researchers at the…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Georgia’s Latinas creating legacy of empowerment
By Gigi Pedraza LatinaLista The first years of Raquel Lavender spent in Georgia, were marked by limitations and sacrifices. Raquel was not able to afford her daughter, now a college student, enrichment programs even though she had a deep…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Professor Accuses Latina Student of Plagiarism: ‘This Is Not Your Language’
By Natalie Gross Latino Ed Beat A high-achieving Latina student at Suffolk University in Boston says a professor accused her of plagiarism in front of the class after she used the word “hence” in a literature review. Tiffany Martinez shared…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Finding Hope in My Mother’s Battle with Breast Cancer
By Rose A. Rodriguez LatinaLista (Editor’s Note: As we close Breast Cancer Awareness Month, one daughter shares her memories, reflections and hopes for other mothers and daughters who must overcome a diagnosis of breast cancer.) As an adult, the…
By Evan Fagan Council on Hemispheric Affairs On July 12, ten of the twelve candidates running for the Secretary-General (SG) position of the United Nations took center stage before the U.N. General Assembly. In an attempt to promote…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: What’s the line between disrespecting Latino culture and genuinely embracing it?
Erik De La Cruz Latina Lista Culture is vital in the Latino community. However, there is a difference between respecting a culture and exploiting it. Being from San Diego County, we are surrounded by Mexico’s influence because of…
Community Stories, South, zNew Headline
Latina scholar excels at Savannah State University
By John Newton La Voz Latina Historically, Latino students in the U.S. have lagged behind other ethnic groups in post-secondary academic achievement. Reasons for this disparity range from a lack of financial support to inadequate college preparation during…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Entrepreneur & Visionary Giving a Voice to Latinas in Tech
BeVisible Latina You know that feeling you get when you meet someone who is so bold and has so much gumption that you just want to bottle it up so you can take a swig whenever you need a…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Tech industry’s problem of not including Latinas & others of color goes beyond failing at diversity
By Carolyn Muñoz LatinaLista The disparity in the workforce at technology companies is discouraging. While many technology giants work hard at inclusion, some just aren’t building teams who are the best they could be in the technology game. In…
By Ramona Ortega Mi Dinero Mi Futuro In case you haven’t heard chica, Latinos are the new hot market! According to the leading consumer research group Nielsen, “Hispanic women are a key growth engine of the U.S. female population…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Q&A with Political Activist Rosie Castro (Mom to Joaquín and Julián)
LatinasRepresent It comes as no surprise that Maria del Rosario “Rosie” Castro’s twin sons have followed in her footsteps. The mother of Julián Castro (Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) and Joaquín Castro (Texas Congressman), Rosie Castro first began…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: It’s Up to You — Does Cristela Go or Not!
By Jose David Cantu Hispanic News Online Normally I don’t get involved in issues concerning Hollywood personalities. So when I received a letter written by Cristela Alonzo which was posted in the Atlantic Journal about the possibility of her…
Books, Culture, zNew Headline
Book Review: First-of-its-kind anthology delves into Latina spirituality
By Sarah Dahlen LatinaLista “I am whom I have been waiting for/No one can complete me/Because I can complete myself.” These lines from Cinthya Martinez’ poem “The East” are a fitting beginning to a book on Latina spirituality. Fleshing…
Local News, Midwest, zNew Headline
Latina wife, mother and Chicago police officer still searching for bone marrow donor
By Mayra Elisa Buitron Extra! Chicago Police Officer Blanca Magallon, wife and mother of four, was diagnosed with leukemia earlier in July. She’s currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments at the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System and is…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
How one intern-of-color got a whole new view of The View
By Cheng YiLing LatinaLista On Thursday September 4th, ABC Television Network announced that Rosie Perez (and Nicolle Wallace) would be new hosts on the 18th season of The View. This means that the View’s host lineup will have 4…
Local News, Northeast, zNew Headline
Latina Cake Maker Creates Incredible (Edible) Art
Annika Darling CTLatinoNews.com In seven years, Hope Looney has seen her cake business skyrocket. In her first year Looney made 30 wedding cakes. This year, she will make 425. Looney is the owner of JCakes, a gourmet custom-order bakery…
Women, zNew Headline
Profile: Latina Actress Julie Carmen Enjoys Real Life Roles as Marriage Counselor and Yoga Therapist
By Deborah Charnes LatinaLista It’s the dream of thousands to go to New York City or Hollywood and become a star. The entertainment world, for so many in our society, means glamour, money, recognition, and the pinnacle of success….
Entrepreneurialism, Women, zNew Headline
New report celebrates entrepreneurial drive of women of color but spotlights ongoing challenges to full success
LatinaLista — A new analysis from the Center for American Progress showcases the entrepreneurial spirit among women of color. According to the report, “How Women of Color Are Driving Entrepreneurship”, women of color are the “driving force behind business…
Local News, U.S.-Mexico border, zNew Headline
Latina teenage pastry chef brings artistic skills to cake decoration
By Serjio A. Gonzales Borderzine EL PASO — Teenager Naomi Gil’s colorful and carefully mastered pieces of confectionary art and other gooey baked goods leave customers in amazement when they see these artistic pastries inside the display cases at…
History, zNew Headline
New Mexico: Remembering the legacy of Otilla Gallegos
By Claire O’Brien LatinaLista Comarada, entonces os he visto, y mis ojos estan hasta ahora llenos de orgullo. Comrade, then I saw you – and my eyes are even now filled with pride. Pablo Neruda ♦ ~.~.~.~.~.~. ♦ Almost…
Local News, Northeast, zNew Headline
Sonya Sotomayor Shares How She Lives In Her Two Worlds
By Wayne Jebian CTLatinoNews This past Monday, the students and faculty of the most exclusive university in the state – Yale – were privy to the thoughts of the first Latina admitted into the most exclusive club in the…
Local News, West, zNew Headline
Politician Olga Diaz: ‘What is Good for Latinos is Good For Everyone
By Mark Day La Prensa San Diego When Escondido residents go to the polls next Nov. 4, they will choose between two mayoral candidates, both from immigrant backgrounds, with radically different philosophies. Sam Abed, the incumbent mayor, is a…
Politics, zNew Headline
Latina Republican joins crowded list to be next Texas governor
LatinaLista — South Texan Miriam Martinez is used to facing down insurmountable challenges. Sexually abused as a child, a victim of domestic violence, poverty-stricken and a single working mom of three, one with autism, Martinez learned early in life…