Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Palabra Final > Politics > Latinos still lag behind African Americans when it comes to garnering R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Latinos still lag behind African Americans when it comes to garnering R-E-S-P-E-C-T

LatinaLista — There’s no denying that today’s observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. is especially poignant for the nation and for African Americans. With Barack Obama’s inauguration mañana, it would seem that Dr. King’s dream is well on its way to fruition.

While there still does exist rampant discrimination against people of color, it is the collective hope that a President-of-color will renew sensitivities towards acts of racial discrimination.
Yet, while African Americans celebrate how far they’ve come since Dr. King was alive, the Latino community, while celebrating our accomplishments thus far, are left to ponder why we still lag behind African Americans when it comes to garnering one thing — R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

According to, the term respect is defined as: A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. 2. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem. 3. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.
It can be argued that there are several areas where both African Americans and Latinos suffer from a lack of respect but, in several ways, Latinos lag even farther behind.
An easy example is Martin Luther King, Jr. In every size city across the nation there is a street named in honor of the civil rights leader. There is no discussion as to whether or not it is warranted or whether or not Dr. King personally visited that town, so as to illustrate a personal connection to the town to justify the street being renamed. It is agreed upon that there should be a street named in his honor and it’s done.
Yet, time and time again, Latino communities who have proposed naming a street in their town in honor of Cesar Chavez (from whom the Obama campaign adopted the phrase “Yes we can”), the requests are denied.
While Cesar Chavez fought for the rights of the farm workers, he’s been long accepted as a symbol within the Latino community as a defender of Hispanic rights.
Even though, as a collective group, there is the Latino community, there is still the common misperception that we all trace our roots to the same country, speak “Mexican” and eat pinto beans and tortillas.
We don’t but the misperception exists because no one bothers to listen to the Latino community when there is a clarification.
So, yet again— Latinos hail from a variety of different Spanish-speaking countries, speak some form of Spanish and don’t all eat pinto beans. Nor are all of our tortillas the round, flat bread type either.
When it comes to primetime television, the Latino community has thus far not achieved the level of success of shows headlined by a Latino actor/actress as African Americans have in the past. For whatever reason, this primetime television season has reverted to being headlined by white actors.
Yet, African Americans can enjoy having a history that saw many sitcoms headlined by black actors whereas the sitcoms/shows, with either a Latino cast or headlined by a Latino actor, in recent memory entails two that were cancelled, The George Lopez show” and “Cane” to one currently on the air — “Ugly Betty.”
In fact, Latinos can count on one hand how many sitcoms have featured all-Latino casts or been headlined by Latino actors/actresses in the past 20 years.
And perhaps in one of the most clear examples of how little respect Latinos have garnered, it seems that Hispanic Heritage Month, Cinco de Mayo, the Three Kings day or Cesar Chavez’ birthday are not big enough for the folks at GOOGLE to create a special logo to observe any of these days. A quick review of their special logos reveals they’ve never incorporated any Latino theme into their brand.
They observe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. regularly and have observed the Chinese New Year, events associated with Bastille Day, South Korea and Germany (as seen with a quick view-through), among other but nada regarding the Latino community.
So, while we celebrate, enjoy and share the milestones achieved by African Americans, Latinos must note that we have yet to achieve the same milestones and still have a lot of work to do to catch up.

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  • Grandma
    January 19, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    Marching in the streets demanding rights and carrying the Mexican flag certainly doesn’t help the cause.

  • Sandra
    January 19, 2009 at 10:08 pm

    A good way for Latino CITIZENS to garner respect would be for them to join mainstream America in standing up for the rule of law instead of standing up for illegal aliens who just happen to be of their ethnicity. Not going to happen though, is it? So respect isn’t going to happen either then.

  • Ruben Botello
    January 20, 2009 at 1:55 pm

    Nuevo Plan de Aztlan
    WHEREAS, We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America honor our Native American heritage with all our hearts and minds;
    WHEREAS, We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America honor the sacred call of our Native American ancestors for peace and justice throughout our Americas; and
    WHEREAS, We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America recognize La Raza has been struggling with a new wave of racial harassment, discrimination and persecution in our Americas since September 11, 2001.
    NOW THEREFORE, We the Chicanos y Chicanos of the United States of America resolve as follows:
    This resolution may be cited as Nuevo Plan de Aztlan.
    Nuevo Plan de Aztlan is based on the following terms:
    a) Americanas y Americanos
    Americanas y Americanos are ALL AMERICANS regardless of our races, colors, languages, cultures, nationalities, ethnicities, religions or creeds.
    b) Aztlan
    The concept of Aztlan is derived from the Nahua history of the Mexicas before their southern migration from Norte America into Centro Mexico during the 11th Century. Aztlan today is Indigenas of Mexican-American and(or) Mexican descent who consider ourselves Chicanas y Chicanos regardless of where we were born, live or die.
    c) Carnalismo
    Carnalismo is the love and compassion Chicanas y Chicanos have for each other as carnalas y carnales (sisters and brothers). Carnalismo is what unites and strengthens Chicanas y Chicanos as we work together for peace and justice.
    d) Chicanas y Chicanos
    Chicanas y Chicanos are Indigenas of Mexican-American and(or) Mexican descent who consider ourselves Chicanas y Chicanos based on our Native American heritage.
    e) El Movimiento
    El Movimiento is the Chicana y Chicano Movement for peace and justice. El Movimiento is comprised of numerous academic, athletic, artistic, business, commercial, cultural, educational, political, recreational, social, spiritual, wholistic and other Chicana y Chicano organizations and individuals working for peace and justice throughout Aztlan, our Americas and the world.
    f) Heritage
    Our Native American heritage includes our ancestral lands and freedoms; and all the histories, cultures, traditions and mores of our Native American ancestors.
    g) Indigenas
    Often called Native Americans or American Indians, Indigenas are all the indigenous peoples of our Americas including those of mixed-race heritage like La Raza.
    h) La Causa
    La Causa is for peace and justice, the eternal cause of Chicanas y Chicanos who recognize there can be no true peace without true justice, i.e., the abolition of poverty, racism, sexism and all other injusticias in our Americas.
    i) La Raza
    Chicanas y Chicanos can be Black, White, Brown, Red, Yellow and(or) any other “skin color” like the rest of La Raza and the human race. The concept of La Raza was derived from a 1925 essay published by Jose Vasconcelos, a Mexican educator who called the millions of mixed-race Indigenas with Latin-American and(or) Latin-European ancestors La Raza Cosmica.
    La Raza is comprised of every race, color, nationality, ethnicity, culture, language, religion and creed in the world. This rich diversity is the unifying power, force and strength of Chicanas y Chicanos, and of all La Raza as we grow to know, understand and honor our great heritage.
    j) Latinas y Latinos
    Latinas y Latinos of our Americas are Indigenas with a Latin-American and(or) Latin-European heritage. Millions of Latinas y Latinos also have African, Asian and other Non-Latino ancestors.
    k) Racism
    ·Racial categories are crude labels based on parentage, genetics and(or) physical traits, not religious or scientific proof of one’s superior or inferior nature like racists believe.
    ·Racism is the belief one or more “races” are inherently “superior” to one or more other races. [Example: Many Americans believe “White people” are inherently superior to “Non-White people” and that “Black people” are inherently inferior to all other people.]
    ·Racism includes the belief “mixed-race” people like La Raza are inferior to those with birth parents of the same race. “Race-mixing” is still condemned by racists today. · Indigenas were considered savages (less-than-human) when Europeans first invaded and occupied our Americas. “Christianized” and(or) otherwise assimilated Indigenas are still considered inferior by today’s racists.
    ·Racists are not just poor or poorly educated citizens, there are wealthy and highly educated racists throughout government and society who strive to protect and preserve their privileged status via institutional, industrial and commercial racism. Racists are not just White, either; there are Brown, Black, Red, Asian and other racists, too.
    ·The racist imposition of the colonial English language on Indigenas continues to cause horrendous problems for Chicanas y Chicanos in education, employment and virtually all other aspects of life in the U.S. Laws, rules and regulations are selectively enforced by local, state and federal institutions against La Raza, as English is used as a weapon to deprive Chicanas y Chicanos of liberty, equality and justice throughout our lives.
    ·Private industry (“free enterprise”) also causes havoc for Chicanas y Chicanos by perpetuating racist stereotypes and beliefs about La Raza for profit and gain. [Example: Mass media and the “entertainment” industries commercialize racist stereotypes and beliefs about Latinas y Latinos throughout the world, while pretending to be “spreading freedom and democracy” alongside the Pentagon.]
    l) Terrorist(s)
    A terrorist or terrorists are human beings who use unwarranted violence and(or) the threat of violence to kill, rob, rape, torture, imprison or otherwise impose their will over other human beings.
    Nuevo Plan de Aztlan addresses the alarming attacks orchestrated against Indigenas throughout Norte America since September 11, 2001 (9/11). U.S. officials are using La Raza as a scapegoat or smokescreen to distract or divert attention away from their heinous war crimes in the Middle East.
    According to their domestic propaganda, the “real problem” and therefore actual enemy or threat to national security is Mexicans and other Indigenas “invading” Norte America, not the Pentagon killing, torturing, maiming, imprisoning and destroying other indigenous peoples’ lives in faraway lands.
    Thousands of racist media, vigilante, “homeland security” and other hostile actions have been executed against Indigenas since 9/11, as tens of thousands of these indigent men, women and children have been rounded up and herded out of Norte America like cattle.
    Indigenas have suffered centuries of injusticias including genocide, rape, torture, mayhem, kidnapping, slavery, peonage, poverty, homelessness and groundless imprisonment at the hands of the original European invaders and occupiers of our Americas.
    The offspring of these European terrorists expect Chicanas y Chicanos to ignore or forget this true account of their ancestors’ horrendous atrocities, as if these abominations against our Native American ancestors never occurred or mattered.
    As English imperialism via the U.S. government seeks to conquer the entire world, La Raza is increasingly faced with discriminatory law enforcement, housing, education, employment, healthcare, mass media, entertainment and other racist industrial, commercial and institutional policies and practices, especially since 9/11.
    The offspring of the European terrorists who originally stole our ancestral lands are guilty of receiving this stolen property. Receiving stolen property is no less a crime than stealing it. These aliens remain in denial as they continue to exploit, oppress and otherwise deprive us of our ancestral lands and freedoms from generation-to-generation much like their terrorist ancestors did against our ancestors for the past few centuries.
    U.S. racists are now working to outlaw MEChA and other Movimiento organizations being blamed for “too many Mexicans” and other Indigenas in Norte America today. Local, state and federal government agencies have also made it extremely difficult for the Partido de La Raza Unida to rise politically against this institutionalized harassment, discrimination and persecution in any significant way.
    These same racists oppose Chicana y Chicano Studies, affirmative action, financial aid, bilingual and multicultural education, ethnic studies, fair housing, equal employment opportunities and all other ways and means of attempting to create level playing fields for La Raza, as if the U.S. only belongs to Anglo-Americans and everyone else is a second-class citizen at best.
    The 21st Century campaign against Mexicans in the also aimed at Chicanas y Chicanos since we are all familia. Chicanas y Chicanos have a natural, inherent or innate relationship with Mexicanas y Mexicanos because of our common Native American heritage that is everlasting.Other Indigenas throughout our Americas are suffering from these racist attacks too.
    We are all being treated as a threat or potential threat to national security by the racist U.S. government at the local, state, federal and international level.
    a) We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America must reach beyond nationalism to establish and(or) coalesce with parallel movements of other Indigenas united around our multilingual, multiracial and multicultural heritage throughout our Americas and on outlying islands.
    b) El Movimiento’s mass communication, organization and mobilization initiatives call for Chicanas y Chicanos to join forces with all La Raza against our common exploiters and oppressors because we cannot be free unless and until all La Raza is free.
    c) Economic justice cannot be achieved without social and political justice. La Raza must join together as an international union of Indigenas to work for this justicia as opposed to permitting the racists to continue to exploit and oppress La Raza via commercial, industrial and institutional racism from generation-to-generation.
    d) This indigenous union must ensure liberty, equality and justice for all Americanas y Americanos so We can all live, work and travel freely in peace and justice throughout our Americas for so long as the rivers flow.
    e) The first priority of our new union is to abolish poverty, racism and sexism throughout our Americas.
    f) This union must ensure all workers in our Americas receive good jobs and compensation so that all Americanas y Americanos can have nice homes in safe and secure neighborhoods and communities. People unable to work will also have nice homes in these safe and secure neighborhoods and communities because no one will live in poverty or homelessness in our Americas except by her or his own choosing.
    g) We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America must ensure our children learn about our indigenous ancestors, at home and in all the schools, colleges and universities of our Americas so they and future generations will know, understand and honor our Native American heritage.
    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America will live our daily lives in accordance with Nuevo Plan de Aztlan to the best of our abilities.
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, We the Chicanas y Chicanos of the United States of America will encourage Chicana y Chicano organizations everywhere to review, adopt and incorporate Nuevo Plan de Aztlan into their own missions, goals and objectives so all Indigenas can stand united against the new wave of racial harassment, discrimination and persecution La Raza faces in the 21st Century.
    Copyright 2008 Internet Mecha. Nuevo Plan de Aztlan may be reproduced, republished and disseminated freely.

  • Sandra
    January 20, 2009 at 5:41 pm

    Reconquista in full swing! There you have it folks for all eyes to see!

  • Irma
    January 20, 2009 at 5:52 pm

    African Americans gained respect by standing up for themselves and realizing that the power of the vote IS power.
    All we have to do is vote as as UNITED front
    (all Latinos) and we gain INSTANT respect
    and power.
    Instead, our teenagers choose to get pregnant and /or focus on material possessions. My own brother quit high school, because he wanted/needed a car.
    That car is long forgotten – and the diploma was never earned because he became an parent at 18. The culture of the neighborhood proved too be more powerful than the message he was getting in my parents home.
    African Americans have struggled with these issues too, but they learned and used the power of the vote. It is time,
    that we wake up and do the same.
    At 20-25% of the total electorate ,and more than that in key states we can
    choose the next President of the United
    States. Someone needs to remind
    Barak Obama of that – or else we vote next time for someone else.

  • laura
    January 20, 2009 at 7:48 pm

    I agree with Irma, but there are many more reasons why Latina/os are not receiving the respect due every group and every human being. A few of these reasons are:
    1. Since overt racism directed against African-Americans is no longer acceptable in polite society, the racists who are always searching for a scapegoat for their failures – be they large-scale, such as the economic crisis in the country, or small scale, such as someone’s inability to get into college or compete in the job market – have now redirected their blame projections onto Latina/os. (For an excellent expose of this, see Matt Taibbi’s “Death of a Red State” in Rolling Stone, In the midst of a campaign of hate and vilification against Latina/os, it is difficult to expect respect. Dr. Martin Luther King did not have respect when he led his people do demand civil rights in the midst of a campaign of hate, abductions and killings, and beating of black people. The respect came later, with his success. He also paid with his life.
    2. African Americans have a long history in common. Latina/os, on the contrary, come from many cultures, many histories, and have been in this country for very differing lengths of time. Not to mention that they are identified into different “races” by the white majority, so that everyone’s experience in the United States is different. There are even language differences: what do you call an English-speaking Costa Rican from the Caribbean coast? What do you call Brazilians? These differences have led to less self-identification as a group – until recently, where anti-Latina/o verbal, physical and state violence has flared against anyone who looks brown and speaks something that doesn’t immediately sound like English.
    3. Latina/o leaders of integrity have been lacking: individuals whose goal is the advancement of all their people, and not just self-advancement. A case in point: Janet Murguia of National Council of La Raza. She advocated for Alberto Gonzales, then George W. Bush’s counsel, for attorney general, even though it was known that he had led the charge to justify and “legalize” torture. Her endorsement of Alberto Gonzales, who may yet find himself a defendant for war crimes in The Hague, is still up on her organization’s website. Most recently she has been advocating a “get tough” policy towards our undocumented brothers and sisters with the Democratic leadership. The younger generation of leaders – including yourself, Marisa – has not yet had time to become widely known beyond Latina/o circles.
    But bottom line is what Irma says:
    “African Americans gained respect by standing up for themselves and realizing that the power of the vote IS power.”

  • Thomas
    January 21, 2009 at 12:53 am

    This country is in decline anyway. Those who leave it now will have a future. Those who stay will have their grandchildren pay for the crimes of their grandfather. To pay off our debt this country won’t belong to the latinos and their reconquest group. It will belong to the Chinese. We have to pay them back somehow. Why not sell them our land. I always wondered what the end of the Roman Empire felt like. Now I do.

  • Alessandra
    January 21, 2009 at 9:41 am

    The Chinese are making great inroads into this hemisphere. The U.S. is bankrupt, owing trillions of dollars in debt to China. They will be the next future power. When the globalists decide it is in their best interests to flood this country or even this entire hemisphere with endless cheap labor from China, they will do so.
    And all of those who supported open borders will have aided and abetted them and the destruction of our standard of living.
    The only satisfaction those of us who are young now and still around is the look on their faces when they realize what they did. It will be a somewhat Pyrrhic satisfaction, though.
    Yes, we are going the way of the Roman Empire. We are following exactly in their footsteps. We learned nothing from history.

  • kenda
    January 21, 2009 at 4:40 pm

    I certainly find complaints about the lack of respect Latinos face in the country justified, but I think framing this as an argument between black respect vs Latino respect is counterproductive. It just sounds like you’re trying to have a pissing match about which group is worse off.

  • Marisa Treviño
    January 21, 2009 at 9:27 pm

    Kenda, I disagree. It’s presented as a comparison and compared to African Americans, it’s easy to see greater strides have been made in giving recognition.

  • Joe Ortiz
    January 22, 2009 at 12:01 pm

    By Joe Ortiz
    There are many Latinos throughout the country who feel they are not getting the respect they deserve. Personally, not getting respect is not as important as knowing you did the best you could with the tools we have been given.
    For example, Latino entrepreneurs are the largest self-employed, innovative business leader group in the country, because they are bold and adventurous. Latino legislators (albeit few in the national window) are strewn throughout thousands of small cities and counties throughout the nation, biding their time and learning the power game for the future. In sports, especially in baseball, they are becoming the majority of players. In media, movies and on stage (an arena I have been working since the mid sixties), we are gaining, slowly, but steadily.
    As I rapidly switch from channel to channel with the remote control in my hand, I’m moved almost to tears as I see more Hispanic faces on the TV screen than ever before. We still have a long way to go. Nevertheless, I marvel at the handsome and beautiful Latino faces, playing roles on various series that do not depict solely gang bangers, gardeners, maids or hookers. Latino actors like Rosalyn Sanchez, Sara Ramirez, Michael Pena, Vanessa Marcil, Adam Rodriguez, Judy Reyes and Eva Longoria (to name a few) now play leading roles as detectives, doctors, entrepreneurs, lawyers and politicians.
    It’s no accident these fine actors are playing significant and non-stereotypical roles. Back in the late 60’s and early 70’s, there were hundreds of Hispanics in the front lines doing battle with executives of the television, radio and motion picture industries to open their once closed doors.
    In those days, there were virtually no Hispanic images Latinos could look up to. Yes, Desi Arnaz of I Love Lucy fame was visible; however, what wasn’t known was many Hispanics had to anglicize their names to enter the arena, such as Margarita Canseco, Anthony Rudolph Oaxaca and Luis Antonio Damaso De Alonso – better known as Rita Hayworth, Anthony Quinn and Gilbert Roland, respectively. Yes there were a few back then who made us proud as we witnessed stars like Rita Moreno, Ricardo Montalban and Cesar Romero, who were the most notable of great actors with a Spanish surname.
    Unknown to many in the Hispanic population, as well as the current faces we see on television and the movies now, there existed a vanguard of Hispanic warriors that were struggling to open the ways for positive Latino images. What they contributed to this movement may not appear as significant as those who today are reaping much glory and fame, but their building-block efforts lay a prolific foundation that has to be remembered.
    In television news, especially in Southern California, early broadcasting pioneers such as Bob Navarro, Frank Cruz, Joe Ramirez, Joel Garcia, Henry Alfaro, Yolanda Nava, Luis Torres, Pete Moraga and Diana Munatones were a few of the media gladiators who fell on the barb wire fences of Los Angeles’ media institutions, allowing a new generation of Latino actors, newscasters and television personalities to piggy-back on their achievements and move into those arenas. Public service program hosts, such as Fernando Del Rio, Ray Gonzales, and Linda Alvarez (who is still reporting the news at CBS), also lay their heart and soul to the current foundation.
    There were but a handful of Latino print and broadcast news folk back in the early 70’s. One of the founders of the California Chicano News Media Association, Frank del Olmo, took the baton from the slain Latino journalist, Ruben Salazar, who was killed by a LA Sheriff’s Deputy during the Chicano Moratorium march in East LA on August 29, 1971. Del Olmo (now deceased) wrote thousands of articles and commentaries about Latinos for 33 years at the Los Angeles Times. Other print medium pioneers that helped shape positive images of not only actors, but community leaders as well, include Dolores and Jonathon Sanchez of Eastern Group Publications, and one of its finest writers, Rose Soto.
    There were also many advocacy groups that helped pry the door open for positive Latino images. In 1970, Ricardo Montalban founded NOSTROS (Us) to improve the image of Hispanic actors. Other groups such as IMAGEN (founded by Helen Hernandez), Bi-Lingual Foundation of The Arts (founded by actress Carmen Zapata) and the National Hispanic Media Coalition, (founded by Alex Nogales and Esther Renteria), have played more than a significant role in their quest for positive Latino images. In motion pictures, Moctesuma Esparza has made a significant impact on the Latino image, a filmmaker whose credits include Gettysburg, The Milagro Beanfield War and Selena, which featured Edward James Olmos, a Latino icon. Luis Valdez’ movies Zoot Suit and La Bamba are now cult films if not legendary. Jesus Trevino, a film maker who documented much of the Latino struggle, directs many of today’s network television shows, some featuring the Latino stars of today.
    Each and every one of the individuals mentioned, as well as many others too numerous to include, may not be household names to the current crop of Latino actors and broadcasters. But each, in their own unique fashion, played a significant role in shaping the positive Latino images we see today. Those who contributed to this valiant cause and who played unique roles in that struggle, seek no reward or recognition for their efforts. They merely ask that the new guard conduct themselves with the same dignity and honor we displayed during our respective struggles.
    Joe Ortiz has the distinction of being the first Mexican American to host an English-language talk show on a commercial radio station (KABC Talk Radio, 1971). He is the author of The End Times Passover, a book that refutes the Left Behind theories and many right-wing evangelical doctrines. He lives in Redlands and writes for several local and national periodicals.

  • chuck
    January 22, 2009 at 12:52 pm

    I passed a truck today driven by a Hispanic man. It featured a decal of a cartoon-style Mexican urinating on a cactus labeled “La Migra”.
    Attitudes like this will not win respect.

  • Irma
    January 22, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    There is also the problem that within Mexican culture
    (perhaps Latin culture as well) of envy. I cannot tell you how terrible it is.
    When one of our own does well, achieves something , there are at least 10 of their peers trying to undermine their achievment, out of what amounts to sheer jealousy.
    To give you an example years ago, one of my Hispanic friends was first author on a publication in the prestigious journal Science.
    When they asked for the opportunity to present their paper at local Hispanic science club meeting in the Northeast,
    they were criticzed for
    “bragging about themselves.” This of course was ridiculous, my friend just wanted the opportunity to publicly present their work in a seminar – as this
    was not given to them by their professor. This was
    quite unfortunate, Chicanos publishing in a
    prestigious science journal
    like Science are still rare.
    I guess what I am saying is that first we must learn to
    respect each other and applaud our respective achievements. Then maybe, others will respect us.

  • Arturo
    January 22, 2009 at 8:02 pm

    First off, ‘respect’ from the establishment is a bit overrated — for BOTH Blacks and Latinos. In 1996 a non-Latino friend of mine in college confided that, because of Affirmative Action, Middle-Easterners (he was of Middle-East descent) have difficulty respecting AA college students of color. I replied: ‘Your statement rests on the premise that respect for people of color exists somewhere out there, and that once Affirmation Action is eliminated, it will be allowed to once again flow unimpeded.’ Thirteen years later, Affirmative Action now long gone, disrespect (including bigotry and profiling) for Latinos has reached record proportions. So much for respect.
    The truth is that People of Color, including Blacks, are scorned because it serves the hegemonic purpose of stratifying power and control. Plain and simple. Therefore, social displays of ‘respect,’ to ANY person of color, can sometimes be something other than the acknowledgment of your inherent rights as a human being. Ever heard of these psychological terms?
    1. Reaction-formation: Defined: When a white person acts uncharacteristically kind to a person of color, over-doing it in order to supress their behind-closed-doors true feelings. In other words, fake kindness on steroids. I see or experience this at least a dozen times weekly.
    2. Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome:
    Defined: When a caretaker deliberately keeps their child in a constant sickened state in order to garner attention. This term has many times been applied in a social context, where the Dominant Culture (who benefits from the perpetuation of underserved populations) offers ‘solutions’ to aid the needy–but never to fully correct their situation (thus, perpetuating the underserved’s “constant sickened state” while securing a place as their “saviors” as well, to boot). I saw this daily while teaching for over a decade in the inner-cities.
    So, yes, I agree with other posters who advocate that respect must first come from WITHIN Latinos themselves. True. BUT– we don’t live in a social vacuum or bubble either. That is, there are hierarchical systems of power and control that not only set the bar but manipulate the outcomes. And by “manipulating the outcomes” I mean spreading rhetorical hype that reinforces certain positional relationships (Lou Dobbs, for example). That much is clear to any moderately enlightened individual (I hope). So we must analyze/assess/and question social displays of so-called ‘respect’–especially in our current social situation.
    And the next time you hear a nativist proclaim: “I’m not against Latinos; I’m just against illegal aliens,” remember that this same shallow logic was peddled over a decade ago in 1996 when these same individuals also said: “I’m not against Blacks or Latinos; I’m just against unfair Affirmative Action quotas.”
    The truth is, no matter what the Dominant Culture thinks is the cause of their dis-ease, they will, perhaps by default alone, generate ANOTHER crisis that’s justifies their discontent. In their eyes, those who don’t fall in line “just don’t get it.” In reality, it’s an Us-versus-Them-based logic that highlights differences (not commonalities) which is NECESSARY for swaying/manipulating public opinion in the service of those who hold power. That’s called Social Capital. And just like economic capital, which is currently over-valued and hyper-inflated, one needs to keep resorting to more drastic measures (bailouts) to inflate it’s false monetary value. Same with social capital. So expect MORE of the same hyper-inflated non-sense from pundits like Dobbs, O’Reily, and AM Radio Jocks because over-valued discontent is NECESSARY in our current demographic climate; it sets up easy oppositional targets in an increasingly ‘brown’ America and makes one feel as if their still in control….
    1). Know yourself, and 2.) (No) your enemy.
    So, what about ‘respect’? All I have to say is this: consider well the source.

  • Sandra
    January 23, 2009 at 3:44 pm

    There is no shallow logic in a law abiding American to state that I am not against legal immigrants (latinos or otherwise) but opposed to illegal immigraton (latino or otherwise). That is just pulling the race card by the pro-illegal side because they have no viable arguments to promote, aid and abet those who are in our country illegally that just happen to be of your own ethnc group. LOOK IN THE MIRROR FOR THE REAL RACISTS AND TRAITORS TO THIS COUNTRY AND IT’S LAWS.

  • laura
    January 23, 2009 at 6:47 pm

    Dear Irma, isn’t jealousy a trait of all human beings everywhere? I can’t see it’s more common among Latina/os.
    But I agree we need to stand up for Latina/os! Let’s start with supporting Hilda Solis – a strong advocate for justice whom Republican senators are opposing to become Secretary of Labor.
    Call your senators to support Hilda Solis!

  • Alessandra
    January 24, 2009 at 9:37 am

    The “Crab Theory”:
    I believe this is the phenomenon to which Irma refers.

  • Irma
    January 24, 2009 at 3:59 pm

    I really do believe that Mexicans (maybe other Latinos) have a really hard time not being jealous of each other. It holds us back……….
    I mean I didnt care for Alberto Gonzalez’politics , but I WAS happy that he was chosen to be the Attorney general. Other
    Chicanos couldnt even be happy even for his appointment……..

  • laura
    January 26, 2009 at 7:01 pm

    I’m sorry, Irma: the man is a criminal. He wrote the memos saying that torture is legal. Alberto Gonzales will find himself at the International Criminal Court, unless he is prosecuted in the United States first.
    How could you be happy he was attorney general? He is a blot on the entire human race. You are proud to share something with him?

  • Irma
    January 27, 2009 at 3:01 pm

    The man was attacked by Latinos
    BEFORE all of that. I was talking about that. INVIDIA, is one reasonwhy Latins will remain powerless in the USA

  • Grandma
    January 27, 2009 at 11:59 pm

    “How could you be happy he was attorney general? He is a blot on the entire human race. You are proud to share something with him?”
    Of course she’s proud to share something with him,they’re both Latino. What else matters?

  • Irma
    January 29, 2009 at 9:44 am

    Alberto Gonzales succumbed to the trappings of power. It was sad and yes
    embarassing for Latinos to see it.

  • Salvador
    February 16, 2009 at 9:39 pm

    I would just like to say that I am the proud owner of the prophecy book called THE END TIMES PASSOVER by Joe Ortiz mentioned above and it is a good book if you want to know about what is predicted to happen in the future. Just visit Author House on the internet to find out how to get it.

  • Stephanie
    March 6, 2009 at 2:05 am

    Hi,I’am African American and i saw this blog on black people gathering respect in America.Well yes that is true,but the the reason that we are starting to gain respect in America from the white man and gaining respect all over the world.It’s because we did not “bow down”.We faught for our rights as a human and to be respected as a human being.400 years in this country it has taken us and the fight still continues.But as for the white man respecting who and what we are as a people and how despite how hard they tried to tear us down and destroy us we still survived.

  • mar
    March 12, 2009 at 8:34 pm

    Africans Americans don’t have the hang ups that we have. They are united by color, at least. Latinos aren’t. The only thing that unites us is our language and even then, there are a whole bunch of ignoramus among us who try to put other Latino groups down by saying things like: “those people don’t speak proper Spanish; or those people are all blacks (as if this were a sin)”.
    In a way, we’re still enchained to the colonial mentality of our Spanish oppressors. With these kinds of views, we’ll never get anywhere.
    As long as we’re divided, we will never conquer.

  • uworlds1
    June 4, 2009 at 6:59 pm

    What respect do Hispanics want? What have you done for this country. African-Americans survived slavery, jim-crow, and the civil-rights movement. We were the ones that were attacked by dogs and waterhoses to get the vote. For whatever reason, hispanics did not have to take the punishment blacks did. But now I am hearing certain Hispanic groups want to commit genocide against blacks in LA, CA. What the F**k. This is crazy. Do not equate your struggle with my struggle….you have it much easier….
    Because of my ancestors. We fought the fight.

  • anonymous
    September 25, 2009 at 9:43 am

    Uworld Latinos have begun their own movement. I do not like the stuff going down in LA but blacks have committed crimes against Latinos like robbery and stuff. The conflict goes both ways. However, I think Latinos do need to reassess the pro-integrationist stance of trying to LOSE EVERYTHING about their culture to fit in and get wealth.I find this a problem with all groups of color-African-American, Asian, Latino, and Native American.When it is all said and done though, I agree with what Arturo say in that I believe some of this disrespect has nothing to with what the two groups do or don’t do. This don’t excuse what we can do but some folks simply do not respect these groups because they don’t feel a need to or simply don’t want to because they see them as competition and they are jealous of the groups.

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