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By Musa al-Gharbi The Conversation In 2008, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama outperformed his predecessors John Kerry and Al Gore with virtually every single demographic group, handily defeating his Republican rival John McCain. This success spread to down-ballot races as well….

By Mari Jensen Futurity Warming in the 21st century has reduced Colorado River flows by at least 0.5 million acre-feet—about the amount of water used by 2 million people for one year, a new study warns. “This paper is…

By Cliff Despres SaludToday Smoking is a tough opponent to beat. Quitxt is a free texting service in English or Spanish that turns your mobile phone into a personal coach to help you quit smoking, using interactive and entertaining texts,…

Ancient Origins   Archaeologists have unearthed a 1,700-year-old intact tomb in Mexico where they found the skulls and other bones of twelve male adults, as well as pre-Columbian figurines and statues.  Each of the figures was sculpted from fine…

By Cliff Despres SaludToday Of the 106 players on the Atlanta and New England NFL rosters in this weekend’s Super Bowl, only one appears to have Latino heritage—Patriots’ long snapper Joe Cardona. Only 26 of 1,696 NFL players were Latino…

By Blaine Friedlander Futurity A new way to test for a wide range of micropollutants in waterways has already turned up a nightmarish cocktail of contaminants. “Water quality monitoring is conventionally done by narrowly investigating one or a few contaminants at…

By Cliff Despres SaludToday Significant differences in heart disease death rates exist among the three largest U.S. Latino subgroups, suggesting that combining these groups could endanger health for all Latinos, according to new data, Healio reports. The heart disease study examined death data…

By Alexis Blue Futurity   Using the largest set of radiocarbon dates ever obtained from a single Maya site, archaeologists have developed a precise timeline that clarifies patterns leading up to two major collapses of the ancient civilization. Scientists have long…