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MY TRAVEL – Full movie

Our fifth hotel profile takes you to a tropical island. When you think Hawaii do you think Disney? Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa is right on the ocean’s edge on the island of Oahu. The resort is part of…

Time Travel Lover

5 Things to Do Wine tour Glaciers Sports Andes mountains River delta 5 Places to See Buenos Aires by flickr user Sebastián-Dario   Buenos Aires Large and in charge, this is the largest city in Argentina and the second…

GEORGIA | hyper – travel

Zadar While there’s a lot of history in Zadar, I think you’ll really love how the old mixes with the new. Make sure to check out the Sea Organ and Sun Salutation. The sea organ is really a series of pipes that play…

Let’s Travel

Are you ready to fly? This film is a HDR hyperlapse postcard that will take you to a journey through Georgia – probably the most friendly country in the world. Feel free to share this video and send this…

Naked Speed series premiere: Load Gun Customs builds a cafe inspired bike for their client, Canada’s Olympic Champion Kaillie Humphries. Host Bryan Fuller and LGC’s Kevin Dunworth travel to Canada for a meet and greet before design begins. All…