THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _____________________________________________________________________ Below is the text of the letter from Senator Edward M. Kennedy referenced by the President in tonight’s address to a Joint Session of Congress. May 12, 2009 Dear Mr….

The following statistics are courtesy of the US Census. This is only a partial list. The full list can be found at the U.S. Census web site. 155.1 million Number of people 16 and older in the nation’s labor…

LatinaLista — The announcement of Sen. Ted Kennedy’s death late Tuesday night from brain cancer wasn’t unexpected, but to an older generation of Latinos his death signals the end of an era when “honorary Latinos” were entrusted with championing…

LatinaLista — If anyone ever thought New Mexican politics was boring, they haven’t been keeping up. Aside from the ongoing investigation that cost Gov. Bill Richardson a return trip to DC as part of the president’s administration, there’s what…