Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Business > Online classifieds listings selling itself to Spanish-speakers

Online classifieds listings selling itself to Spanish-speakers

LatinaLista — By now, anyone who has ever used classified listings to buy or sell something knows about Craigslist. Yet, with the huge Spanish-speaking readership in the country, it was only a matter of time that a Spanish version would be created — and it has been!
It’s called Clasilistados.

“Clasilistados” means “classified listings in Spanish”. was born as a necessity to serve the USA’s biggest, most unrepresented and underserved minority: The Spanish speakers with US spending power.
With more than 47MM Spanish speakers in the USA and no tangible service that could offer this community a solid platform of classified ads, Clasilistados launched in Jan of 2009. The business model can be defined as “free classified ads with basic features, and paid ads for those who need more exposure and premium functionalities “.

Targeting those cities with high Spanish-speaking populations, Clasilistados is in the first phase of building up awareness of its product to attract users to post their announcements and/or items on the site.
Creating eleven categories ranging from personales and comunidad to servicios and trabaja temporal, the site hopes to fill the needs of Spanish-speakers.
It’s an ambitious project whose time has come.

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