Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Causes > Global Oneness Day strives to change how the world sees mankind’s relationships with one another

Global Oneness Day strives to change how the world sees mankind’s relationships with one another

LatinaLista — By now, most people have accepted the fact that the world is not going to end on December 21 just because the Mayan Calendar is ending. Yet, for the last few months, that assumption was an impetus to unite people from all over the world to wonder about their destinies.

But organizers of Global Oneness Day say that’s the wrong thing for people to dwell on. Instead, they should be re-evaluating how they live their lives and interact with one another and recognize that humanity is “all one.”

Global Oneness Day, celebrated October 24, is the global observance of a spiritual movement — called a “civil rights movement for the soul” — that has over 60,000 participants in more than 90 countries. Dubbed “Humanity’s Team,” it was created by the Conversations with God author Neale Donald Walsch in 2003.

Organizers claim they don’t want to create a new religion but only ‘refresh’ present theologies.

Humanity’s Team, based in Boulder, Colorado, proposes a New Spirituality that enlarges and enhances humanity’s current beliefs about God and about life in ways that could change how we live with each other, bringing peace and harmony to our planet at last.

The core belief of the movement is that “God is not separate from anyone or anything — and neither are we.”

No doubt the movement will seem too “New Age” to some but in a world that is already wracked with too much violence and the threat of violence, getting people to come together to relearn how to see how humanity is connected and how to live with one another is not a bad idea.

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