Latina Lista > Culture > History > Social media campaign marches on in remembrance of César Chavez

Social media campaign marches on in remembrance of César Chavez

LatinaLista — If César Chavez were still alive, he would have been 84-years-old today. Long after his death, his words — “Si se puede” — live on; his mission of standing up for Latino farmworkers endures; and his legacy of tapping into the moral conscience of people by organizing them to produce a unified voice against injustice continues.


The latest effort to organize people to fight for social justice causes is in a way that César could never have imagined — through social media.

The United Farm Workers or UFW launched an innovative new campaign this week by creating a Facebook application called “Donate your Status to César.”

Throughout his life, César inspired millions of people — in the fields and in the cities — to commit themselves to the fight for social, economic, and civil rights. When he was once asked by a union member how he wanted to be remembered, Chávez replied, “If you want to remember me, organize!”

The goal of the social media campaign is to get as many people as possible to change their Facebook status to the campaign’s app — and join the virtual march for farmworker rights.

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