Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Immigration > The quest for justice in the murder of Luis Ramirez is over

The quest for justice in the murder of Luis Ramirez is over

LatinaLista — It’s a sad ending to an even sadder crime — the three Shenandoah police officers on trial for trying to help a group of white teenagers cover up the beating death of undocumented immigrant Luis Ramirez received their verdict today.


The jury in Wilkes-Barre found Matthew Nestor, the former chief of the police department in Shenandoah, Schuylkill County, was found guilty of corruption of justice. He was acquitted of conspiracy.

(L-R) Hayes, Nestor, Moyer

Former Lt. William Moyer was found guilty of one of five counts of lying to the FBI. He was acquitted of conspiracy and corruption.

Former Ofc. Jason Hayes was acquitted of both charges filed against him, conspiracy and corruption of justice.

Some would say that justice had been served since the men were tried by a jury of their peers, and that’s the problem.

As was seen in the original trial of the teens, who were known to have committed the crime against Ramirez, but were found not guilty on any of the serious charges, jury peers don’t mean these were peers of Ramirez, his family, his wife or the children he left behind.

At the outset, the evidence sounded pretty damning. However, to have one guy completely exonerated, and he was the one who was dating the mother of one of the main teen offenders; the other found guilty of lying to the FBI and the former chief of police found guilty only of corruption of justice, but acquitted of conspiracy, justice was only partially delivered for Ramirez or the Latino community in Shenandoah, PA.

Multimedia journalist, Gustavo Martinez, who has been covering the trial reports that no one from Ramirez’s family were present for the verdict. Maybe they knew what to expect — yet again.

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