Latina Lista > Life Issues > Children > Spotlight Nonprofit: Helping kids cope with divorce

Spotlight Nonprofit: Helping kids cope with divorce

LatinaLista — Family separation caused by parents divorcing are usually the hardest on children. Sometimes separation within a family leads a child to act out their frustration, anger and loneliness in ways that aren’t always appropriate behavior.

Yet the remaining adult in the household is barely equipped to handle the change in the family, let alone try to help the child who is hurting. That’s where San Francisco-based Kids’ Turn comes in.

Kids’ Turn is said to be the only organization of its kind in the very specialized field of divorce education that helps kids cope being separated from a parent.

The organization provides a safe place for kids to vent their feelings while offering programs to the adults to learn how to help their children through the difficult time.

Kids’ Turn provides services in three languages: Spanish, Chinese and English, to reach as many families as possible. The non profit has helped over 16,000 men, women and children.

Kids’ Turn has been so successful that a version of the non profit is planned for the United Kingdom.

Family separation is hard on everyone. Every year one million children are affected by parental separation or divorce. This can increase childhood risk factors, such as academic difficulty, obesity and even asthma. But it’s not the separation itself that causes these effects. Instead, it’s ongoing conflict and lack of healthy communication.

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