Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Business > Spotlight Non-profit: Helping low-income job seekers present A Suitable Image

Spotlight Non-profit: Helping low-income job seekers present A Suitable Image

LatinaLista — The U.S. Labor Department reported that more states posted rising jobless rates than in the previous month. In addition to meaning that there are a lot more people out of work, it also means that there are a lot more people looking for work.

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In this super competitive environment, first impressions can make or break a chance to get a job. Yet, some job hunters, who are low-income, may not be able to afford that suit or dress that would help them make that good impression.

Luckily, for these job hunters in Framingham, MA, they can turn to a place that knows just what it takes to present A Suitable Image.

A Suitable Image was founded in 2003 to provide low income men and women who are in job training or educational programs and preparing for a job interview with gently used outfits to wear for their job interviews.

Each individual receives at least one outfit with accessories for their interview (or special need). If they get a job, we’ll provide additional clothes – a great start to a working wardrobe!

After six months on the job, they can come back for more. We provide appropriate clothing for ALL work places, from entry level retail and food services to corporate positions.

Since their founding, they’ve serviced over 2,000 people and have partnered with over 85 agencies, but in this economy the need keeps growing. Just in 2010, demand for their services increased by 32 percent.

Being the only agency in the state that provides work attire for men, the organization is especially feeling an economic pinch that is threatening to close down the non-profit unless they get more financial donors.

In the meantime, they’ll continue outfitting those who need to make a sharp appearance and understand the organization’s mantra: “To get the part, you need to look the part.

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