Latina Lista > Causes > Tis the season to be aware of health and safety causes celebrated in December

Tis the season to be aware of health and safety causes celebrated in December

By Lilly Zeller
Third Sector Awareness

We have a tendency to associate each month with one or several causes. Many of us do not realize that that are a vast number of causes celebrated each month.

Unless we have a certain condition or diagnosis, or someone close to us happens to be affected by any given cause, we would not even think about it. Many of us believe we should give a voice to a greater number of causes, than those that receive the publicity and recognition on any given month.

These are the main awareness causes celebrated during the month of DECEMBER:

Angelman Syndrome Month
Aplastic Anemia Awareness
Bone Marrow Disease Awareness
Cancer Related Fatigue Awareness Month
Colorectal Cancer Education and Awareness Month
National Aplastic Anemia and MDS Awareness
National Drunk, Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month
• Orientation Month about Intoxication and Aggressiveness on the Roads
Prevent Blindness Awareness Month
Seasonal Depression Awareness Month
Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Awareness Month

During this special time of the year, let us hold near our hearts and help those affected by the storm “Sandy”.
Please remember, you can see what colors are represented with each cause, by visiting and click on the color or cause of your choice.

Latina Lista contributor Lilly Zeller is based in Puerto Rico where she represents the interests of the Third Sector via websites — Talking about Philanthropy and Third Sector Awareness. She can be reached at

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