Latina Lista > Life Issues > Children > Global contest seeks innovative sports programs for women/girls

Global contest seeks innovative sports programs for women/girls

LatinaLista — One of the best ways to empower girls has been involving them in sports. In fact, sports programs are being created all around the world with the main purpose of building self-esteem and empowering girls to know they have control over who touches them, how they are treated and what they can do with their lives.
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Unfortunately, a lot of these programs lack the kind of funding they need to either last very long or do everything they envision for the girls. That’s why there is a cool contest called “GameChangers: Change the Game for Women in Sport”.
Co-sponsored by Nike and Ashoka’s Changemakers, the contest’s goal is “to find innovative solutions and catalyze a community of changemakers around the use of sport to improve community, accelerate development and drive social change for girls and women.”
It sounds a lot more complicated than it really is.
Basically, the judges want to not only find those sports programs targeting women and girls that are innovative and empowering women/girls but the contest wants to help the organizations financially as well.
So far, there are 1,446 nominations from 58 countries but only 247 entries from 41 countries. Some of the programs submitted are:
The United States — Back on My Feet
United Kingdom — Faith and Action: Born to Succeed
Ecuador — Creating Future Leaders of the Country
Croatia — Chicks with Disks
Israel — The “Twinned Peace Sport Schools” Program For Palestinian And Israeli Girls
You get the idea.
If you are involved with an innovative sports program for women that does more than just have women or girls compete then this is a contest that you will definitely want to enter.
Deadline is February 25.
And if you don’t have a sports program you want to enter, do yourself a favor and browse the entries. You can visit their websites and see what’s happening in other countries that might be replicated in some form.

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