By Arttemisa
CHILE:This morning while I was with a group of friends whom I blog with at, Mujeres Chilenas de 30, I reflected upon the responsibility we have as bloggers because of the power that some of our posts have in changing people and making other women’s lives different.
Violence is a recurring topic among women, especially the kind they receive from their own husbands. We know that if any of these women read one of our posts about self-esteem or self-love, she would be able to conquer her fear and report those men to the authorities.
Through our posts, we can be part of the solution and our main goal will be achieved. That’s my idea of writing.
I love to really touch the people who read my posts. Obviously, not all posts may change the life of the reader, but even when the change is minimal, the meaning is the same.
Sometimes when I feel sad and I read a post full of joy and happiness, or I see a funny picture, my mood changes completely. It is a huge responsibility when we write in a public blog because we can touch other people when we write, we can make them happier or sadder with our words… It is up to us as to what impact we want to produce in others.
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Greetings from Santiago de Chile!
I feel very honored to post in this website, I feel it as a huge opportunity and a responsibility, because I can reach many people through my words. I also think that through my writings many Latin-American women living in the US may learn how it is to live in América Latina.
I born 32 years ago on a cold winter morning in Santiago de Chile. I went to college for a Pre-K teaching degree, but my real passion is writing. I love writing, it frees my soul. For that reason, I write every chance I get on my blog La Voz de las Chicas.
I enjoy the simple things in life. I feel deeply happy walking in a park over dry leaves or walking on the beach staring at the horizon.
I ponder a lot and my life is center of my emotions and values.
I’m an eternal dreamer about a better world, more fair…. more happy!!!