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California pesticide regulation bill passes committee

Assembly Bill 1176, which would implement enforceable timelines under the Toxic Air Contaminant Act with respect to pesticides, passed the Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee on April 26, Assemblymember Das Williams, D-35 Assembly District, reported recently.

The proposed legislation would establish timelines by which the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) must act on pesticides identified as Toxic Air Contaminants (TACs), in an effort to assist in assessing and mitigating those air toxins which are of greatest potential concern to our communities.

“As technology in our valuable farming industry is advancing, so should our efforts to help protect our communities from harmful things like avoidable toxins,” Williams said. “I’m pleased to be able to author this bill and work with all interested parties in the best way possible to achieve this goal with minimal impact on the agricultural industry.”

There are hundreds of registered pesticides in California of which the DPR has completed the review process for only eight in the past 25 years. Additionally, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s list includes 35 other Toxic Air Contaminants. However, mitigation measures are not currently implemented universally for toxic Air Contaminants listed at the state or federal level.

The DPR has taken insufficient action…

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