Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Business > Latino San Diego leader honored by Chargers

Latino San Diego leader honored by Chargers

By Pablo Jaime Sáinz
La Prensa San Diego

SAN DIEGO — Although Ruben Barrales sees himself as one of many Latino leaders in the county, the San Diego Chargers thought otherwise.

The Bolts selected Barrales, who serves as the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce President and Chief Executive Officer, as the recipient of the National Football League’s Hispanic Heritage Leadership Award.

The award, which is sponsored in part by Bud Light, recognizes the contributions of Hispanic leaders in each NFL market. The Chargers honored Barrales on Sept. 25 at the team’s Hispanic Heritage game against the Kansas City Chiefs.

“It is truly an honor,” Barrales said about the award. “I want to thank the San Diego Chargers and the NFL for honoring Latinos, and for recognizing us as a community.”

As president and CEO of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, which is committed to providing broadbased economic value for its members and the international region, Barrales is a key figure in local and regional business.

Asked if he considered himself a role model for other Latinos, Barrales said that he is just one of many trying to do the best for the community.

“There are many, many others that also deserve an award like this,” said Barrales, who also currently sits on the board of directors for the Public Policy Institute of California.

“This award recognizes the hard work all of us are doing to improve the community at large.”

During the game…

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