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New reality series keeps the camera focused on border security

LatinaLista — It’s been announced that yet another “reality” show will join the airwaves next Fall, but no contrived story lines with this show. Looking more like the perennial “Cops” series, the new camera-in-your-face series set to debut on ABC is about border security and titled, what else, “Border Security USA.”
Billed as the first series with not only the blessings, but cooperation of the Department of Homeland Security, the show plans to take viewers from the frontlines of the U.S.-Mexico border to the open seas in the pursuit of those who would dare breach our borders.

Producer Arnold Shapiro
The producer, Arnold Shapiro, has an extensive background in producing such reality shows — “Big Brother,” “Rescue 911” and “Scared Straight” to name a few. Yet, with this show, which is modeled after the 2004 Australian series, “Border Security: Australia’s Front Line,” Shapiro hopes to enlighten the American public about the men and women who guard the security of the nation against possible terrorists, drug smugglers and anyone else who would try to enter or bring materials unlawfully into the country — that also means undocumented immigrants.
“You see a lot of people who are not admitted into the country, and you learn why. You will become a more knowledgeable traveler in terms of crossing the border,” promises Shapiro.
Unlike most reality shows that center in one location, Shapiro says that each show will feature 10 different stories showcasing a variety of locations, law enforcement agents and crimes.
Already, without viewing the series, opinions are mixed. Mostly, people are afraid Shapiro and his crew will reveal too much that would tip off terrorists-to-be in how to slip through our borders.
Yet, Shapiro assures that won’t be the case since the government asked him to not show everything that border agents do to thwart unwelcome visitors and activities.
As one blogger pointed out, Shapiro doesn’t have to worry about revealing too much security tactics since the evening news already fills that gap — ouch!
If there’s something good to be gained from such a show, in addition to spotlighting those men and women who really are on the frontlines of keeping the country safe, it’s that everyone now has the opportunity to see the faces and hear the stories firsthand of those trying to enter the country illegally.
Ironically, maybe it will take a show like this to humanize the plights of those who are not terrorists but who want to come and work in the US, and will cross the border any way they can to achieve that goal.

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