Latina Lista > Culture > Film > Summer film series finds rooftops to be the best theaters to showcase indie films

Summer film series finds rooftops to be the best theaters to showcase indie films

LatinaLista — Across the country, indie (independent) films haven’t just been gaining in popularity because of their originality but for their creativity in the venues where they’re showing.
Some “studio movie grills” have sprung up where you can order a dinner and eat it while watching an indie flick. Now comes word from New York City-based Rooftop Films that filmgoers can actually watch a new indie film from, where else — a roof, or a park, or a pier, or – you get the idea.

Indie film lovers gather on the rooftop of El Museo Del Barrio in 2007.
(Photo: Sarah Palmer)

Rooftop Films summer series is all about matching the uniqueness of indie films to places that are equally independent of traditional theatres. This Friday (July 11), the series heads over to the roof of El Museo Del Barrio in East Harlem for the screening of two short documentaries from Colombia and Peru.
Since you obviously can’t watch a film in light, the series doesn’t kick off until 8:30 p.m. While waiting for the first stars (heavenly, that is) to appear live Latin music will play till 9.
According to Jessica Barbosa of Rooftop Films,

The films highlight how the varied peoples of Latin America are bound by a common, turbulent history that of colonization by the nations of Europe and cynical manipulation by the United States, twin afflictions which have stymied national and class unity and interfered with the potential for the men and women of the region to take pride in their lives and culture. Both of the documentaries in this program speak to these imprisoned hopes in different, but equally beautiful and uplifting ways: one is a brilliantly poetic sketchbook and travelogue about a trip through the mountains of Peru; the other an inverted success story about an annual beauty pageant in one of Colombia’s women prisons.

Needless to say, this next installment of the summer film series will have a definite Latino flavor. Something tells us that regardless of the weather or when the movies are over, the show will go on and on and on …

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