Latina Lista > Life Style > Food > It’s confirmed! Foodpanda quits Vietnam

It’s confirmed! Foodpanda quits Vietnam


It’s not just a rumor. Rocket Internet’s online food delivery service Foodpandahas shut down in Vietnam.

Tim Schefenacker, Foodpanda’s global head for communications, told Tech in Asia today: “Yes, I can confirm that we have decided to close down our business in Vietnam.”

“We saw a smaller and rather long-term opportunity in Vietnam compared to our other markets and therefore want to focus stronger on [the latter], given Foodpanda’s focus on profitability,” he explained, offering no specifics.

A “notice of termination” from Foodpanda informing its restaurant partners of its decision was making the rounds on social media. Local news site Genk ran a story, along with the document. Tim verified that the document was legitimate.

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