Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Education > Friday round-up of headlines spotlighting undocumented students and how colleges are coping with the change

Friday round-up of headlines spotlighting undocumented students and how colleges are coping with the change

LatinaLista — Many college students across the country are beginning to settle into a routine for the new school year. For those at universities, the first football game of the season has been played which always signals that school has officially begun.

For many undocumented students, this school year signifies a milestone in their lives. Though many have been able to attend private or public colleges in the past, and some even pay in-state tuition, the authorization from the Obama administration for the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) program, which defers deportation for these students, is a long-awaited prayer answered for them.

So far, out of 82,000 applications received, 29 have been granted deferred status.

Daniela Pelaez will attend Dartmouth under new relaxed deportation rules announced by President Obama in June.
(VPR/Charlotte Albright)

Needless to say, there is a higher awareness of undocumented students and higher education among the media because of DACA and some of the harsh critics of the program. The following is a Friday round-up of some of the headlines of undocumented students and higher education:

Undocumented Immigrant Starts Classes At Dartmouth

Public College In Arizona Breaks With Governor, Offers In-State Tuition To Undocumented Immigrants

Fox News Exclusive: UCLA shuts down controversial illegal immigrant college program

Despite Obama Immigration Policy, Young Immigrants Find College Elusive

Mass. college offers undocumented immigrant scholarship

Effort tries to get undocumented immigrants college financial aid

Smoother Access to Higher Education Within Undocumented Immigrants’ Reach

California Dream Act: 9,000 undocumented college applicants qualify for state aid

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