Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Business > Nation’s second oldest Latino bank invests in Latino youth with special literacy program

Nation’s second oldest Latino bank invests in Latino youth with special literacy program

LatinaLista– Going to the bank has never been on a child’s list of fun things to do, unless it involved lollipops. And even then, lollipops were always the treat for being good after having had to wait in line.

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Yet, for nine weeks spanning three months, one bank will be the place every child will want to go — lollipops or not.

East Los Angeles’ Pan American Bank, California’s oldest Latino-owned bank and the second oldest Latino-owned bank in the country, will throw open their doors and invite children inside for a very special literacy program.

Partnering with the Edward James Olmos’ Latino Literacy Now!, Pan American Bank will host The Children’s Reading Hour. The free program will feature every Saturday at noon, beginning Sept. 11, popular Latino and Latina children’s book authors.

However, preschool and elementary-age children don’t have a monopoly on these story times. Some of the authors will be geared towards older students, even those in high school.

Yet, at every session, the first 10 children will receive a free autographed book.

“We are thrilled that the authors will join us in supporting our community’s youth. Reading to children is the best way to encourage literacy and life-long learning. It is also an incredible way to teach important lessons,” said Pan American Bank CEO Jesse Torres. “These Latino authors are not only incredible Latino writers – they are incredible authors, period!”

For those families lucky enough to live near the Pan American Bank, no reservations are required for the program but it would help to look at the list of authors to make sure it is age-appropriate.


The Children’s Reading Hour Schedule: 

Saturday, September 11, 2010 – Ramona Moreno Winner (Preschool – 6th Grade)
Saturday, September 18, 2010 – David Bueno-Hill (7th – 12th Grade)
Saturday, September 25, 2010 – Amada Irma Perez (Preschool – 6th Grade)
Saturday, October 2, 2010 – Joe Cepeda (Preschool – 6th Grade)
Saturday, October 9, 2010 – NO READING EVENT
Saturday, October 16, 2010 – Rene Colato Lainez (Preschool – 6th Grade)
Saturday, October 23, 2010 – Reyna Grande (7th – 12th Grade)
Saturday, October 30, 2010 – Jamie Martinez-Wood (7th – 12th Grade)
Saturday, November 6, 2010 – Laura Lacamara (Preschool – 6th Grade)

Pan American Bank
3626 East First Street
Los Angeles, CA

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  • Jesse Torres
    February 14, 2012 at 8:51 pm

    Thanks for mentioning the program. The community really enjoyed it.  I hope we are able to work with these and other authors later this year to repeat the program.


    Jesse Torres
    President and CEO
    Pan American Bank
    East Los Angeles, CA

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