Latina Lista > Life Issues > Education > Specialized scholarship programs aim to open doors in Washington for Latino students

Specialized scholarship programs aim to open doors in Washington for Latino students

LatinaLista —Student internships are invaluable experiences for those students lucky enough to get them. Unfortunately, during these hard, economic times, a lot of companies and organizations have cut back or cut out either paid internships or helping interns in any financial way.

Not so the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI).
The CHCI is offering two types of programs for students: The Congressional Internship Program and The Graduate & Young Professional Fellowship Program.

The internship program provides college students with Congressional work placements on Capitol Hill. In these positions, students learn first-hand how the nation’s legislative process works. Interns are given the responsibility of conducting extensive legislative research, monitoring day-to-day hearings, managing emails and phone calls from constituents and, yes, be the obligatory office gopher.
But there really is an upside, in addition to rubbing shoulders with some of the most influential people in the country, even if you are getting their coffee — as a CHCI intern, students receive weekly leadership and professional development sessions, meet with corporate representatives, national elected officials and foreign dignitaries.
Yet, perhaps the best news is that housing, roundtrip transportation to and from Washington, DC are all covered by the CHCI — in addition to a $2,500 stipend.
The internship lasts for eight weeks, from June to August. Deadline to apply is January 9, 2009.
The Graduate & Young Professional Fellowship Program offers Latino graduates and young professionals the opportunity to get experience in such public policy areas as health, housing, law, international affairs, science, technology, engineering and math.
Applicants with a graduate degree from an accredited university/college or having the equivalent of three years professional experience in a certain policy field are eligible to apply.
The fellowship is for nine months and those selected will have the opportunity to be placed at a legislative subcommittee office, federal agency, national non-profit advocacy organization or corporate office. Those who qualify for the International Affairs Fellowship will get three months either in Spain or Mexico. Travel, health insurance and a $2,700 monthly stipend are included. Deadline to apply is February 13, 2009.
If you thought these two programs were more than enough — there’s one more. The Public Policy Fellowship Program. College graduates are provided with national hands-on public policy experience in a congressional office, federal agency, the nonprofit sector or corporate setting. Again, health insurance, travel costs and a monthly stipend of $2,200 are also included. Deadline to apply is February 13, 2009.
But what if you’re not interested in working in DC? Well, the CHCI has you covered as well. It seems they have a scholarship program opened to students enrolled in either junior college or a four-year university. There are different dollar amounts for the scholarships depending on your degree so check out the website. The deadline is April 16, 2009.
Overall, it would seem the bases are covered by the CHCI in trying to be a force in creating change in DC — now, if the students will only come forward.

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